
Junior Member
Salaam alaikum!

No, I've no recipe to share..sorry.=(

I've a question for the Somali sisters(and brothers) though...

What does KK stand for ? You know that food you get served in maqaaxi's(restaurant) that contains chapati(at least thats what i was told cos when i ate it earlier it didn't look like the "chapati" I know of) strips and either suqaar or sometimes chicken...? Yeah, that.

So where does the name "KK" come from if chapati starts with "C", chicken with a "C" again and suqaar with an "S". Should've been CC or CS..

EDIT: on second thoughts, anyone familiar with Somali food can answer this... Doesn't necessarily have to be a Somali.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah!

CC ?lol don't let the Somalis hear you say that!
Uh, let's see. Well I know for sure that one K stands for kalaankal, which i believe is used for all types of meat(oo la kalaankalo?)<sorry y'all, can't word that part in English.
so that one K is for the suqaar/chicken part of the "KK".

The other K is a mystery to me as well, I'll ask 'round and see what i can find though.

P.S why don't you share the recipe for this "KK" stuff with us?

As-salaamu `alaikum warahmatullaah!


Junior Member
Salaam alaikum, suhaanah!

Ah...kalaankal. Alright, hope you figure out where the other K came from.

any other Somali food that starts with a K(that i know of) is, Kurus(camel's hump?)..lol and i doubt it's that.

Oh or..Killi(kidney). They eat that, don't they? But again, that's not in KK.. Sigh.

see, if i did know how to make it, I'd share but unfortunately i can't. Maybe you could take it upon yourself to share...?=)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaik salaam warahmatullaah!

Kimis. That's what the other K stands for.=) kimis and Kalaankal. I had to seek help from the net though. Some guys who ate at a Somali cuisine in Columbus did a review on the food and stuff and they happened to mention KK. You know some people call it KKBK. And the guys said, that names sounds like a Nintendo character. Psh. Sounds like a gang group to me..*KKBKs*

Lol@camel's hump. That's not a type of food sister. It comes with helib geel(camel meat) which some people enjoy eating. I could not eat kuris for the life of me...eek!

NOpe! I'm in the same boat as you, ukht. I haven't even mastered in making chicken kalaankal yet..so maybe when I do learn how, I could try? Who knows.

Anyways, hope this helped.