warda A


I recieved this and i would like to be told if it is authentic or not, could someone expound on it? because it is really true all those answers given

Ali ibn Abi Talib is questioned

A group of ten men asked: "Of knowledge and wealth, which is better and why. Please give a separate answer to each of us."

Hazrat Ali answered in ten parts:

1. Knowledge is the legacy of the Prophets; wealth is the inheritance of the Pharaohs. Therefore, knowledge is better than wealth.

2. You are to guard your wealth but knowledge guards you. Therefore, knowledge is better.

3. A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Hence, knowledge is better.

4. Knowledge is better because it increases with distribution, while wealth decreases by that act.

5. Knowledge is better because a learned man is apt to be generous while a wealthy person is apt to be miserly.

6. Knowledge is better because it cannot be stolen while wealth can be stolen.

7. Knowledge is better because time cannot harm knowledge but wealth rusts in course of time and wears away.

8. Knowledge is better because it is boundless while wealth is limited and you can keep account of it.

9. Knowledge is better because it illuminates the mind while wealth is apt to blacken it.

10. Knowledge is better because knowledge induced the humanity in our Prophet to say to God "We worship thee as we are your servants," while wealth engendered in Pharaoh and Nimrod the vanity which made them claim God-head.


New Member

Dear akhii/ukhtii,

As long as it's not opposite of Qur'an and Sunnah Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallaam , i think we can accept it.

Maybe you can search the related ayaat of the points stated by this quote.


Staff member
Sister Warda,

I would request you to read this small book by Yasir Qadhi on the topic. I have a copy of it and can quotes some of the gems from it inshaAllah...

He then gives the 15 means taken from the work of Imam al-Suyootee and Shaykh Fadl Elahi defining them and giving their proofs. They are:-

1. Taqwa (God-consciousness) of Allah
2. Seeking forgiveness and repentance
3. Putting one's trust in Allah
4. Constantly worshipping Allah
5. Thanking Allah
6. Frequently performing Hajj and Umrah
7. Establishing the ties of kinship
8. Spending in the way of Allah
9. Emigrating for the sake of Allah
10. Marriage
11. Supporting students of Islamic knowledge
12. Showing kindness to the poor
13. Being honest in one's dealing
14. Making the Hereafter one's main concern
15. Striving to achieve the goal

15 Ways to Increase Your Earnings
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15 Ways to Increase Your Earnings
Click to enlarge

One of the blessings that Allah has given His servants is that of a convenient means of financial exchange, i.e. money. Money has since grown to become one of the most' prized possessions of mankind, and like so many elements of the dunya, serves to test the obedience of Allah's servants by challenging their system of priorities... Therefore, due to the fact that the Muslims of today are preoccupied with the seeking of money to an extent almost unparalleled in Islamic history, I felt the need to compile a short treatise explaining the manner in which Allah and His Messenger described how Muslims could increase their money. The focus of this book is upon encouraging Muslims to procure money through halal means, and to abstain from haram gains.

ISBN: 1898649561
Author: Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi
Publisher: Al-Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution (2002)
Weight: 230 g
Size: 21x15 cm
Pages: 128
Binding: Paperback

warda A


Jazakallahu kheiran

I will try and see if they have that book in PDF form on the net.