Let's SPAM 'EM!!!


Junior Member
I was thinking of ways we could all protest Israel being that we are all so far away and apart......and I thought, wouldn't it be funny if we could obtain various government and military officials and SPAM them with words of protest and disgust.....

Could you imagine one of them coming into work on a day and finding millions of emails in their inbox all raging against their policies?


New Member
Good Idea, but do you think will help muslims in a constructive way? If i were to put myself in one of those israeli's shoes receiving the emails, i would just ignore and ask my IT ppl to block the senders for future spamming.
here's What i would rather do, if you have information about the email addressed for these military and govt officials, try to engage them in a constructive dialogue and reason with them. I think that would be more beneficial and worth the effort than just blatanly bad mouthing their foreign policies.


Junior Member
he man, the dialogue wont benefit either :)

We and our muslim leaders shud learn to live on their own rather than like beggars.

Its the only way to go now!


Junior Member
I was thinking of ways we could all protest Israel being that we are all so far away and apart......and I thought, wouldn't it be funny if we could obtain various government and military officials and SPAM them with words of protest and disgust.....

Could you imagine one of them coming into work on a day and finding millions of emails in their inbox all raging against their policies?

That is mean and I am against that. Even thought I do not agree with what Israel is doing to other Muslims. On the judgment day, you will be ask how you treat your neighbor especially the non-Muslim ones. Sister, Islam says to respect and treat everyone fair. How would you like if someone did that to you or to another Muslim person. I am person who likes to believe there is good in everyone and religion and it makes me mad when someone I know says something mean about another religion or person with different background. Islam is perfect and of course I feel sorry for non-muslims but I respect and accept them of who they are and I hope that my good character Islam teach me will attract them to Islam and show them what they are miss out. If you are person who likes to let everyone know you do not like them and believe the badness in people, how can you be a good example of what Islam stand for and what does that say about you character. By the way, not all Israel people are bad. we encourage peace like our Prophet may peace be upon him.


Junior Member
That is mean and I am against that. Even thought I do not agree with what Israel is doing to other Muslims. On the judgment day, you will be ask how you treat your neighbor especially the non-Muslim ones. Sister, Islam says to respect and treat everyone fair. How would you like if someone did that to you or to another Muslim person. I am person who likes to believe there is good in everyone and religion and it makes me mad when someone I know says something mean about another religion or person with different background. Islam is perfect and of course I feel sorry for non-muslims but I respect and accept them of who they are and I hope that my good character Islam teach me will attract them to Islam and show them what they are miss out. If you are person who likes to let everyone know you do not like them and believe the badness in people, how can you be a good example of what Islam stand for and what does that say about you character. By the way, not all Israel people are bad. we encourage peace like our Prophet may peace be upon him.

I said nothing of persecuting Jews or their religion. I said against their policies........and disgust with those policies. Speaking out against their actions towards the Palestinians.


Junior Member
I said nothing of persecuting Jews or their religion. I said against their policies........and disgust with those policies. Speaking out against their actions towards the Palestinians.

what about Palestinians action toward Israel? just curiosity


Striving for Paradise
I was thinking of ways we could all protest Israel being that we are all so far away and apart......and I thought, wouldn't it be funny if we could obtain various government and military officials and SPAM them with words of protest and disgust.....

Could you imagine one of them coming into work on a day and finding millions of emails in their inbox all raging against their policies?

:salam2: Sister Dianek,
Good idea indeed.

But to make it work we need to find the email addresses of all those Israeli officials, which I don't think is easy to find. Even if we find a few email addresses, then they can put us into a Spammer List and no one will see our emails.

A much better plan would be to send emails to our Congressmen and Senators as well as to President and Vice President offices too whose email addresses are well known, and I am sure they will NOT ignore our emails as Israeli officials would. Plus they are much more important people than some low ranking Israeli officials, and the impact would be much greater too. And we might actually achive something by doing this.

So let us do that ...


Junior Member
:salam2: Sister Dianek,
Good idea indeed.

But to make it work we need to find the email addresses of all those Israeli officials, which I don't think is easy to find. Even if we find a few email addresses, then they can put us into a Spammer List and no one will see our emails.

A much better plan would be to send emails to our Congressmen and Senators as well as to President and Vice President offices too whose email addresses are well known, and I am sure they will NOT ignore our emails as Israeli officials would. Plus they are much more important people than some low ranking Israeli officials, and the impact would be much greater too. And we might actually achive something by doing this.

So let us do that ...

Sounds like a plan!!! Should we draft something that we will all send so it sounds cohesive?


Junior Member
how can u even compare the two?!!!!!! what Palestininas do is insignificant compared to what Israelis do!!!!and ITS SELF DEFENCE!!!!!!!:girl3::girl3::girl3:

what I do not get is how people take side, I mean I am not in Palestine or Israel, so how do i or anyone know which one side is doing things for self defense and which is not. just because someone capture your country, does that give you right to harm innocent civilians or go to a war that kills many children, old people and women, I am sorry for my ignorance but I do not agree or like both government i am worry and talking about innocent civilians in both country, what about them. So, when I compare Palestine to Israel that was where I was coming from and it is hard to get right and fair answer from people because people are taking side just because they are related to that side.


Striving for Paradise
Sounds like a plan!!! Should we draft something that we will all send so it sounds cohesive?

Sure, go ahead. I will work on collecting the email addresses of congressman, senators etc, unless somone already has this list and care to post it here.


Striving for Paradise
what I do not get is how people take side, I mean I am not in Palestine or Israel, so how do i or anyone know which one side is doing things for self defense and which is not. just because someone capture your country, does that give you right to harm innocent civilians or go to a war that kills many children, old people and women, I am sorry for my ignorance but I do not agree or like both government i am worry and talking about innocent civilians in both country, what about them. So, when I compare Palestine to Israel that was where I was coming from and it is hard to get right and fair answer from people because people are taking side just because they are related to that side.

My advise would be: DON'T THINK TOO HARD. It would be bad for your health.
Also try to calm yourself down by eating couple of Pizza and drinking several bottles of Coke.
Good Luck Man.


A Believer In Heart
I was thinking of ways we could all protest Israel being that we are all so far away and apart......and I thought, wouldn't it be funny if we could obtain various government and military officials and SPAM them with words of protest and disgust.....

Could you imagine one of them coming into work on a day and finding millions of emails in their inbox all raging against their policies?


Sorry sis and bros but i believe we as Muslim are rise better than that, come on now! Our faith teaches us about respect for everyone no matter who they are Jews, christians, Budist, and when all do that what do you as Islam say about Islam? The best thing we can do for our brothers and sisters in Plastines is to encourage them to have faith, pray, and make duas for them. And support President Bush and all other countries we live in to support the peace and freedom of both states. For example, What Bush did this year brinning both states together is good start if we all go and show our supports as Muslim than inshallah Plastine will be free and peace will be upon them. And I kind of agree with sis najbc. Let's put side our different religion and as each other as human. The cry of Israel mother is the same to the cry of Plastine mother. We are Muslim and we are luck to have faith that is peaceful, guidingful, and rewarding Allah SWT bless us with. Let's not follow the steps of the Kuffars!! Remember Islam is about R-E-S-P-E-C-T and having M-E-R-CY!!