lets talk


Junior Member
I am watching this thread you gave me and as I listen I am getting more and more confused.

question??? Should I just ignore the books that have no authors?? or is this going to answered later in this debate?

Hi Angel4,
No, you should not ignore books which has no author .The books which has no author it means the author is Almight God. For example Taura ,Zabur ,Injil (Gospel) and the Quran . However some of the messages of some scripters had been interpoleted, corrupted (human being has put his own things). Remember if the book contradict itself , then it must be from human beings not from God .As God is Most Powerfull ,Complete and Most Knowledgeable.
Remember, The author of the bibble is not God .But, is Mathew ,Luke, Paul, John, Bibble is derived from greek word ''Bliblos'' which means in english ''collection of books'' In the Bibble there are verses from Luke ,Matthew ,John , Paul e.t.c So they take from the book of Luke , Mattthew ,Mark,Peter, John ,Paul e.t.c Thuswhy when you read or reffer a verse in the Bibble will be like this John 8:32, Acts 13:6, Samuel 2:10, Matthew 9:17, Luke 1:34 e.t.c When you refer to a verse in the Bibble ...you say e.g according to Matthew ,according to Luke ,according to John .but in short is wriitten or said i.e Matthew 9:17 ,Luke 1:34 ,John 8:32 e.t.c. But none of these authorslive during the time of Jesus and the original Bibble is in Greek while Jesus language was Aramaic.
Christian scholars they said that God has inspired these people(Matthew,John, Paul, Luke etc) to write the book which is suppose to be ''word of God''. If they were inspired by God how comes they are not even sure what is the age of Jesus?
And also why there verses contradict each other?

God has promise in the Quran that He will preserve It(Quran) after the other scripture before has been lost or corrupt.Today millions of muslims have memorise It.

Also God is also giving us the challenge to find any contractiction in the Quran .And also He challenges us to produce just a chapter like It.

Thank you and take care of yourself.


Salaam Angel,

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