Letter from Aafia Siddiqui: My Dead Nation‏



'My dead nation.'​

My name is Dr. Afia educated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) with three children and aim of helping my nation with my high class education is very pleased from your help.

I was kidnapped from my own country by my brothers and sold to America. I was brutally treated, raped, tortured, again and again given name prisoner 650. I prayed for my Muhammad Bin Qasim for every second of my years in prison in a Muslim country Afghanistan.

I am sister of 1/5 world's Muslim population . My nation is historically famous in defending and protecting their citizens right from the beginning. Hazrat Omar (RA) Said, if a dog dies near river Arafat, Omar will be responsible on day of judgment.

At the moment I can't walk on my own, one kidney is removed, bullet wound in my chest, denied any medical and legal aid and not sure whether I will be alive or not.

I would like to revoke my status of sister. I am a proud Muslim, follower of Hazrat Muhammad SAW, daughter of Hazrat Abubakar, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali and Companions and their true followers. I don't want to be your sister.

They are my protectors and I will seek Allah's help not yours.

I don't want to be Pakistani who has 600,000 troops and special force SSG but fail to protect me, they sworn to protect me but refused when I was looking at them for help.
My so called Muslim Ummah having millions of soldiers, guns, tanks. Automatic weapons, fighter plans, submarines and yet they failed to save me.

Don't worry about day of judgment you won't be answerable as you are not my brothers in Islam. You are Arabic, Pakistani, Persian, Palestinians, African, Malaysian, Indonesian, South Asian but not Muslims.

I am sorry if hurts you but you can't imagine how hurt I am.'


* Please continue to write your sister so that she can express her self and improve writing skills that once conducted scientific experiments on learning and imitation and write beautiful documents. It is obviously very therapeutic for her to write and we need her to do so, so that we can understand more about the importance of rejecting all of America's allies. Obviously, she has been punished because she truly understands her deen. We must not let this be the end of our sister. Her story must be told until it never happens again.


Assalaam walaikum,

Jazaak Allahu Kharin for the post. A letter is a simple thing. A word of caution. When writing we have to be very positive. We can not get personal. We know she loves nature. We can not ask about her children. We do not even need to have a return address. She is the free one.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:jazakallah kahria for sharing the post bro...
this is really very sad.....although she feels hurt and ashamed of calling us her sibs and rightfully too,i feel proud of owning her.may ALLAH give her patience and grant us imaan and hidaya'.ameen


Logical Believer
But what is the source of the letter?

furthermore she is also an american citizen.
we dont know any thing about her case, her case is controversial.
i have deeply studied and got nothing about her case,

there are some questions that needs to be answered on this issue.

there are thousands of afia being killed and raped in the name of honor killing in Pakistan, why for them there is no voice, as their case being apparent..

i must not point some specific Islamic jama'at of Pakistan for politicizing this case for its own benefit.

w salam


Assalaam walaikum,

I am somewhat confused that one would consider her case as being controversial. It is simply political. It has nothing to do with honor killings. What is critical is we, Muslims, leave a woman at the hands of the kuffir and believe them. We do not have the wherewithall to question the motives of those who kill Muslims by the hundred thousands. How can a woman magically shoot a weapon behind a curtain. The testimony of the witnesses did not even make sense to them. The witnesses could not even testify under their given names.

Please if you wish to discuss honor killings do so in a separate post. This is simply to alert those who wish to help her to write to her. There are demonstrations planned in London on the 20th. Let us not be included with those who vilify Muslims. Let us not be among those who believe that it was the Muslims behind 911. Let us use common sense.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Does anyone has any recent news regarding our Sister Aafia?


Junior Member
this is a sister who has loved the ummah. And who has done so much for her ummah.... and I can totally understand when she is disappointed by us....! The ummah she would die for has failed to protect her and many others like her....

Our men are sitting at their comfortable homes and demand to marry a virgin woman while many and many sisters are beeing raped!!!!!



Assalaam walaikum,

Sister...souls are the same. We as sisters need to work alongside our men. Did not the wives of our Prophet, work and let him attend to his business.

The sentencing will be in May. In the interim we can write to her. If I have not posted the address please go to cageprisoners.com and get it.

I am involved in working with female inmates. They need us. We can write to our sisters.

There are programs to support the families of women being held prisoners at the mercy of the kuffir.

Our Prophet showed us not to become angry. He showed us intention and action.

Dearest sister..you are young and sweet...one of the lesson's of life that we learn is this: when you are in need nobody is there..But Allah. He tells us so.
Make dua for this beautiful and worthy soul. Her cell must be filled with the frangances of junnath.

And a word of caution: I reiterate do not get personal..do not get your feelings hurt if they do not write back. Your mail will be read. Keep it simple and full of hope.


Junior Member
jazak Allahu ckair sister for your helpfull words... I know I have to work hard to be able to controll my feelings... may Allah forgive me and guide all of us and may our prayers reach our brothers and sisters who are in difficulties