Look and Block


spread the peace
:SMILY138:Be aware of the following websites:

1. www.answering- islam.org
2. www.aboutislam. com
3. www.thequran. com
4. www.allahassurance. com

These sites have been developed by the Jews

Who intentionally spread wrong information about the QURAN , the HADITH and the Islam?

Please spread this information to all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.


http://www.amazon. com/exec/ obidos/tg/ detail/-/ 1579211755/ qid%3D1096805827 /102-4933271- 2395342

The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick a new Quran
is being distributed in Kuwait titled ' The True
Furqan '.

You Cant Ignore this, send it to as many muslims as u can .


Here to help
<_< jazak Allah khairan..
i bet yr post will get deleted.. i have no clue why.. :lol: (just that u dont get a SHOCK!!!:D
(they deleted a similar one of mine (-_-)


Subhana Allah!
jazak Allahu khayran

<_< jazak Allah khairan..
i bet yr post will get deleted.. i have no clue why.. :lol: (just that u dont get a SHOCK!!!:D
(they deleted a similar one of mine (-_-)

in the name of Allah the most merciful the most compasionate.
why would they delete a message like that?
jazak Allah for the brother that posted the warning.