Looking for an articol.

Noorun Nisaa'

Junior Member
Salam Aleikum my dear sisters and brothers,

insha allah i find you all in good health i came to you a to ask for a big favour, i dont know if you can help but i will try my luck.

We all know from Sunnah of Rasool Allah, that he teach us how to drink water three time from a glass, becaz it is more healthier.

Well some time ago, i read an articol from a Medical Journal, dont remember from were, but it say that the scients discover that if a person drink water from a glass three time his glass is more clean and free bacteria, than a seconds person glass how drink only once.

PLEASE, i ask you to help me to find this articol. Can be in french or english or even arabic.

Thank you soo much in advans for all the help you will give me.

JazakAllahu Khair. :hearts:


Junior Member

Facinating. I would love to read this article as well. I'll start a search on my side. Whoever finds it can scan or post it here, Insha'Allah.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Any idea what magazine it was?


Noorun Nisaa'

Junior Member

Facinating. I would love to read this article as well. I'll start a search on my side. Whoever finds it can scan or post it here, Insha'Allah.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Any idea what magazine it was?


Salam Aleikum,

from what i remember was a Medical Jurnal from England sau USA.
Sorry, maybe i confused you more.

BTW, Thanks for searching:hearts:


Junior Member
Salam Aleikum,

from what i remember was a Medical Jurnal from England sau USA.
Sorry, maybe i confused you more.

BTW, Thanks for searching:hearts:


Thanks for that. Insha'Allah we'll find it. I always get excited when I read how science gives further evidence for Islam.
