Losing weight healthily


Junior Member

I've been trying to lose weight since I was a teenager but it hasn't been easy. I've tried to exercise again and again but it didn't really appeal to me. Recently, I have come across the idea that you can lose weight quicker if you increase your muscle mass. Is that true? Did any of you try this before?

Your help will be much appreciated.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah

Yes it is true because your body ends up burning more calories. Ideally you should mix your exercise having both aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (weight training). :SMILY346:

Contrary to what most people believe, weight training does not make a woman have giant freaky muscles. Muscle development has a lot to do with male hormone testosterone, which women do not have at the same level of men.

Eating healthy is key, try for smaller, healthier portions more regularly. Cut out sugary foods and drinks, eat some fruit instead. Find a person to do exercise with, whether it is to go for a run or to do weight training together.

Above all keep at it and don't give up.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
^ Sound advice.

The idea of losing weight comes with fear and no motivation for many. But the idea of being healthy and turning down a desire or two is one of the most rewarding of human experiences. You know when they say you've got to see it to believe it? Yeah, that, but more so, you've got to feel it. Along with exercising, vigorously if you need to, you've got to amend your eating habits and patterns. You don't necessarily need to stop things, swap them for healthier alternatives. You're still getting a satisfying full, but it's a lot more rewarding when you've reduced the guilt. So here's what I would do, well very few of things I would do, the list can go on:

Drinks: no fizzy/carbonated drinks, no juices. Only 100%, preferably home made and plenty of water.
Main meals: if you're really good, go for fruit and veg, proteins, and white meat - chicken and fish. Have eggs. If you want to stick to your foods, start swapping or reducing portion sizes.
Snacks: have nuts, dried and fresh fruit, carrots, fillers such as chia seed. Almond butter and honey is a delicious treat.
Swap: sugar for honey, agave or organics. Swap white bread for brown, or breads for rice crackers, swap potato chips for vege chips, full fat for low fat dairy. Swap vegetable oils for olive. Have cleansing and fibre-rich foods like psyllium husks. If you're super good, go carb free for a while. No potatoes, no rice, no unhealthy filler foods. And try exercising until you see results, then the appeal and drive will follow.

Eating healthy is a beautiful thing. Don't let those things burden you, make it a choice, and keep at it. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing you can curb your eating desires. It's as human as human can get.


Junior Member
Increase muscle mass, reduce your carb portions, an if dieting is hard for you food wise, try to cut out all drinks except water and black coffee with no milk or sugar if you can stomach that.


Junior Member
Thank you all for the good advice. :) I have to say that it is quite difficult to eat healthily if you have a busy lifestyle. I have also been told about protein shakes, my friend has tried them and I think it could be a good idea....