Macro To Micro - A Fantastic Trip


Seek Truth, Be Happy

This is a fantastic trip from macro to micro. Worth Watching :)

(Powerpoint Presentation)



  • Macro to Micro - A
    1 MB · Views: 211


Penguin fancier
Maybe you'd like to provide an unzipped version for those of us with more then 10megs spare on our hard drives.


Seek Truth, Be Happy
Maybe you'd like to provide an unzipped version for those of us with more then 10megs spare on our hard drives.

:salam2: Brother,

There are two reasons for attaching file in zip folder.

1) I want to save TTI server web space so that saved space can be used by another member for something better

2) TTI dont allow to attach Powerpoint presentation format, so there is no other option but to zip.

Any way these days operating systems do not require the use of Win Zip program to upzip the files. What you need to do it just right click the zip folder you downloaded and click "Extract". The file will be extracted to required location. Or even if you double click zip folder, you will see the file and double click the file again, it will run the file.


Aisha muslima

Junior Member
As salam alaykum wa rahmatuLlah, this is beautiful!!! I save it on my pc, and inshaLlah I will translate it in italian language and put on my web site. Jazak Allahu khairan, beautiful work!

Salam wa rahmatuLlah


Strangers on earth
Mashaaalh very nice

:ma: sister that was very nice.
it shows us the greatness of Allah the creator of the universe
Allahu Akbar

may Allah give you and all muslimiin more knowledge about our religion so that we may have stronger imaan:tti_sister: