Question: Maintaining Ramadan Spirit


Hello everyone, I am new here so please accept my apologies if I make some mistakes or if I am posting in the wrong place.

I wanted to ask how can I maintain the Ramadan spirit after Ramadan is over? We are so pious in the holy month of Ramadan, but when it's over we go back to being our old selves. I have learned some good things and kept to them throughout the past Ramadans but it's not as much as I would like.

I don't know if it is because I am going through a phase where I feel lost or just because I am that way. I mean, three years ago I used to read Quran every morning on my way to college and gradually that habit has stopped. I don't read as much now and I feel that when I pray I am not as close to Allah (swt) as I was a few years ago. I don't know what is wrong but I really feel lost .


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Personal experience has taught me to go by practicalities in these situations. Two things for me. One, cycles, there are good ones and bad ones and depending on the one your stuck in, you can't let it go as easily until you don't fully and willingly attempt to break it. Think about it, prepare yourself, or go on a whim, how ever it works for you and go for your routines that you felt content with. Depending on your nature, figure out your pace too, do you start slow? Or overwhelm yourself until you can turn that cycle around?

The other for me that works more than anything, I remind myself of my conscience. That's it for me, that does it. Do I have enough shame or character to count my blessings and seek help throughout my year, or do I wait for the one month where I follow suit just for the sake of it? Am I really as weak as subjecting my soul to a seasonal state? Talk to your conscience. Works for me.

And remember, consistency is key. May Allah turn our hearts towards seeking the fulfilment of our hunger, the desire to be among those who feel His blessings.
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Your talk about routine and consistency has made me think that I haven't had routine in almost a year. I graduated about a year ago and i'm currently unemployed in a country I now nothing about with no routine whatsoever! I think I will attack it, I tend to get lazy when I prepare and prepare and spend more time on the preparation than actually getting the task done.

And yes I totally agree with the talking to your conscience, I always do it, it is what gets me to pray an extra nafila after a prayer and give sadaqa. Thank you for reviving these things for me.

Are there any certain things in particular I should concentrate on?


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
In particular, your strengths. Go with what you're good at, things you're intrinsically motivated to do. Then the drive to target the weaknesses will follow. May Allah be with you on this path to revive your desires. Where there is faith, there is potential, and where there is potential, practice follows. May Allah be with you :)