Making use of our youth

muslim .id

New Member
We would like to thank The Ambition News Paper for publishing this article in their December Issue.

Dear friends, if Allah gives us 60 years to live then it comes to around 22,000 days (60x365). All these days Allah gives us to prepare for one day of interview with Allah. That is on the Day of Judgement. On that day, Allah will ask us some questions and He wants some correct answers. Allah is so merciful that He already told us what the questions will be through Quran and Ahadith. His mercy is so great that He even told us the answers to these questions. Now imagine, a student goes to write an exam. He opens his exam paper and finds the questions on one side. Then he finds that the answers to the questions are on the other side. Now after writting the exam, if this student still fails then what would we think of him? We would think that he is the dumbest person around. Well, tell you what, on the Day of Judgement, us people who knew the questions and answers will still fail! That is why, this is the time to wake up before we prove ourselves to be the dumbest of people.

Youth is the prime time of our lives. This is where people make important decisions like what to become in the future. Things you do in this time will most likely affect you throughout the rest of your life. That is why, it is important to bring Islam into your life during these days. Many people have the conception that when they get old then they will start practising Islam. Probably you and me also have this feeling. But look at it this way: If you want to become a famous hockey player then you would start playing right from the youth. As you grow up, you will become better and better. But if you think that you will start playing when you are an old man then the chances of becoming famous is virtually zero. That's the reality. When we become old, we won't have enough energy to even stand up and pray.

Because youth is the prime time of your life, that is why it is very precious to Allah. Allah has prepared a shade on the Day of Judgement for those people who used to worship Allah in their youth. On that Day, there will be no other shade except the shade from the throne of Allah. Imagine standing outside on a very hot day under the sun for hours after hours. You would definately want some shadow to rest under. But what about that Day when the sun will be much nearer to us and the heat will be much more extreme. Wouldn't you want some shade on that day? Ofcourse you would!

You and I are all weak in terms of keeping our duties to Allah and Allah is aware of that. Allah wants that we keep trying to do our best. If a baby falls down while walking he tries to get up again and walk. He doesn't keep sitting down. Then a day comes when he does start to walk. Similarly, we should keep trying our best and not give up. A day will come when, Inshallah, we will be strong enough to obey Allah in every situation. Let us make a small promise to Allah right now that we will start doing the things for which we were sent to this life. Otherwise, we will be like that dumb guy who will fail the test on the Day of Judgement.

May Allah make it easy for us. Ameen.


Islam is Perfect

In The Name Of Allah The Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, Most Loving, Most Forgiving, Most High, The One (Alone, Single, Unique Diety), The Creator, Maker and Giver of Form of All Things,Absolute, First and the Last, Inward and Outward and the attribute of Allah are Endless - Allah Hu Akbar - Allah is the Greatest

I bear Witness that there is no god except Allah (Alone)
I Testify that nothing has the right to be worshiped exept Allah (Alone)

and Mohammad (Peace be upon him, his family, his companions and all those that follow his way) is the true and final/last/seal of all Prophets.

As Salum Ul Laikum 0f Peace, Blessings, Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah be on all muslims.

This life is a test and brother is right (the young age is the primary time of this life, its when all the major Events of this life takes place.
We need to use this part of our life to earn the Pleasure of the Almighty.

3 years ago my brother died in a car accident at the age of 17 crossing the road to go to the shop, he was very clever lad. But when death comes it will take all the clever, intellingent, smart etc, and all other type of people away form this world to the hereafter and our test Time will be over.

so what ever good deed we do now to please Allah, it will benefit us in the hereafter, but if we just waste time away, we will be full of regret, knowing that we had the truth, but what did one do with it????

We have to learn our islam, implemet in our lives, teach it to our family, friends, colleagues and pass it to the whole of mankind.

We will be succesful in this world and the Hereafter follow these 2 methods
Live your whole life - Every aspect of it to the Quran -Last Revelation of ALLAH
  • submit to Allah (Alone)
  • Worship Allah (Alone)
  • Obey Allah (Alone)
  • Fear Allah (Alone)
  • Surrender to Allah (Alone)

The Sunnah - way of Life of the Beloved Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H)
Follow the instructions/advice/Hadiths of The Final Messenger of Allah, and the Test will be very easy and you will InshAllah successfuly pass on the day Judgement.

Make Tauba(ask for forgivness and truly Repent all the time brothers and sisters, we dont know when we might leave (i.e die).

Salum ul Laikum - thank you for reading my post much appriciated