
Junior Member

The very thought of the delicious mango juice makes one's mouth water. Summer is eagerly looked forward to as the aamras makes its way onto our dining tables.

But most people avoid indulging in this delicious fruit because of the various myths surrounding it:

Myth 1 - It is fattening
Fact: One mango is only about 60 calories! It contains no cholesterol or saturated fat. It only contains about 0.6 grams of total fat.

Myth 2 - It is acidic
Fact: Mango is only acidic if it is combined with milk. Have mango on its own as a little meal itself. Do not mix it with anything.

Myth 3 - It contains sugar, so it increases weight
Fact: Mango contains natural sugars which is needed for body metabolism and does not increase weight.

Myth 4 - Creates heat in the body
Fact: Mango is a summer food for a reason. If it was heaty, it would not be available in the summer in the first place. Nature is aware of seasons.

Besides this, mango has various health benefits:
It prevents against sun stroke and dizziness. Its high content of vitamin C prevents ailments. It increases one's immunity. Mango is also a digestive aid and helps in treating constipation. It protects against anaemia, cholera and TB. It is high in anti-oxidants and contains beta carotene which contributes towards healthy eyes, prevents macular degeneration and night blindness. It prevents muscle cramps, due to high magnesium and potassium content. However, it is important to keep in mind that too much of a good thing can be harmful too. Excess mango consumption leads to diarrhea. Also,
diabetics should avoid mangoes.

Make aamras at home
You'll need:
- Mangoes - 1 kilo
- Powdered sugar - 175 g
- Milk - 1/2 litre

De-seed and cut the mangoes into small pieces. Grind this in a mixer and then strain. Mix the sugar in the cold milk and add to the mango juice. Add water for required consistency. Serve chilled.



New Member
Sallams Brother

I am reading this while eating a delicious bowl of chilled mangoes in milk

I definitely recommend you try them