Manipulation by Slogans

warda A

Manipulation by Slogans:
Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights..

"And among humankind are those whose speech about the world and its life dazzles you...yet when they act their aim is to spread destruction through the earth and destroy its ecology and livestock..."
(Koran 2:204-205)

"Those in authority within institutions and social structures attempt to justify their rule by linking it, as if it were a necessary consequence, with moral symbols, sacred emblems, or legal formulae which are widely believed and deeply internalized (by the masses).

These central conceptions may refer to a god or gods, “the votes of the majority”, (“freedom”, “democracy”)… or the alleged extraordinary endowment of the person of the ruler himself.Various thinkers have used different terms to refer to this phenomena: Mosca’s “political formula” or “great superstition”, Locke’s “principal of sovereignty”,Sorel’s “ruling myth”,Weber’s “legitimations”, Durkheim’s “collective representations”, Marx’s “dominant ideas”…Mannheim’s “ideology”, Herbert Spencer’s “public sentiments” (Gramsci’s “hegemony”) all point to the central place of master symbols in social analysis.”

(Hans Gerth & C. Wright Mills, Character & Social Structure, 1964:277)

In economic and political institutions, the corporate rich now weild enormous power... Every such naked interest, every new unsanctioned power of corporation, farm bloc, labor union and government agency that has risen in the past two generations has been clothed with morally loaded slogans. For what is not done in the name of public interest?

Master Symbols & Propaganda

As these slogans wear out, new ones are industriously made up, also to be banalized in due course. And all the while, recurrent economic and military crisis spread fears, hesitations, and anxieties which give new urgency to the busy search for moral justifications and decorous excuses."

(C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite 1956:344)


some one interested in sociology can read the book.