mein vaderr will muslim worden


Junior Member
Of course i want to help you. Which information do you want?

Before i can help you i want you to answer some Questions, Ok.

- Is your father a christian or which religion does he have?
- Does he believe in God?
- Does he believe in the trinity ( Drieeenheid)
- Are you a muslim?

Take care,



Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

First of all it's important for a person to have firm believe in God. If he has doubts about he Existence of the Creator, you can start with convincing him.

Q: How can you do that?
A: Show him some verses from the Quran which talks about the Creator and the Creations.

When he firmly believes in Allah, you can inform him about the messenger of Allah, Muhammad Peace be upon him and islam and the prayers in islam etc...

in summary: You start with the information about Allah, in islam it's called tawheed. Afterwards you give information about our prophet and his message which is islam.

Do you have more Questions, please don't hesitate to post them.

I have a question: Does your father have an email-adres?


Wassalamoelaikoek warahmatullahi wbarakatuh