Message from a Palestinian elder to Annapolis summit participants

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Wednesday November 07, 2007 05:52 by Ibrahim Dakkak -

As an elder within the Palestinian community, I am proud to address you today - you who purport to be interested in a just peace for this country. At the outset, however, I must warn you that there has been much criticism levelled against this conference - and justifiably so.

Similar previous pursuits for a solution to the conflict between Palestinians and the Zionist movement have yielded only negative results that further complicate the situation and that have exposed the Palestinians and the Israelis to great ethical and political pressures. The goal has always been to force the Palestinians and the Israelis to reconcile their conflicting claims by neglecting the very basis of the rights of the two parties as prescribed by the United Nations. Whatever the nature of the intent behind the various initiatives, pressure cannot lead to success. On the contrary, the methods for so-called negotiations in the past have led to increasing instability and war. It is ironic that, after all these years, neither of the conflicting parties has been able to claim victory. Neither party has brought to fruition its aspirations.

Being of “a certain age,” I have spent many long years witnessing this drama unfold and being attentive to the roles that various external players have assumed. And unfortunately, it has been impossible to observe any meaningful interpretation of the conflict, much less a workable solution. After sixty years, I must admit that I fail to detect any sense of logic between the legitimacy provided by the United Nations through the Partition Plan and the fait accompli that we experience in Palestine at the moment. To add insult to injury, the present situation, especially since 1967, is considered by Israel and the United States to be the benchmark and starting point for negotiations on the future of the Occupied Territories. My question is: How can an “illegitimate” fait accompli be forced to become “legitimate” with the blessing of the United Nations?

Given the sustained opposition to the Israeli occupation by the established Palestinian national movement in the Occupied Territories and the intransigence of Israel in sustaining its occupation, the conflict has become very dangerous and genuinely worrisome for the international community. As a matter of fact, the impact of the conflict has already crossed the borders of Palestine, inviting more external players to its locus. Despite the past failures of the United Nations - especially the failure to implement General Assembly resolutions 181 and 194 and Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, among others - its help is needed now more than ever. The United Nations is generally seen as an honest broker that can initiate a meaningful peace process. Chapter seven of the Charter is still at hand and can be a base for a more effective role.

The problem of implementing UN resolutions, however, and the absence of consistency among them is due to the absurd administration of the five permanent members of the Security Council who aim to use the channels of the UN to impose their interests and policies. Their veto “privileges” allow them to block the passing or implementation of any resolution. Its para-legal status has given the United States a virtual monopoly over the Palestinian-Israeli-conflict issue and has marginalized the roles of the other members. One might even say that the “will” of the United Nations has become hostage to the whims of the Security Council’s permanent members. But the fact remains: the United States continues to be the major external player in the conflict.

Since 1967, continuous efforts have been made to find a solution to the conflict. There have been many international envoys, some of whom were sent by the secretary general of the United Nations, others by superpowers, and still others by well-intentioned leaders of the world. To the misfortune of the conflicting parties, the missions were not taken seriously by the United States. While UN resolutions are, by fiat, in deep freeze, and previous failures are ignored, the US call to convene this “new” international conference in Annapolis simply adds another scene to this farcical drama.

Is the United States willing and able to recognize the inalienable rights of the Palestinians as described in the UN Charter and clearly stated in UN resolutions related to the conflict? Is the United States ready to recognize that the Jewish settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal? Is it ready to respect the will of the Palestinians, as demonstrated by the recent elections for their legislative council in 2005/2006, and stop the unjust “collective punishment” that has been forced on Gaza and the West Bank? Furthermore, is the United States willing to press Israel to withdraw to the June 4, 1967 borders and to denounce Israel’s brutality against the Palestinians?

These same questions have been asked by Palestinians time and again over the years. And time and again, they are ignored. The situation grows worse. Land continues to be confiscated. Refugees still wait to return to their homes. Why then is yet another conference being convened in an atmosphere that is shrouded in scepticism and ambiguity? The means to a solution already exists if one is willing to respect and observe the charters of human and political rights. To continue to turn a blind eye to this reality is to prolong the agony of the Palestinians, the Israelis, and the international community.

Conference participants take note:This conference will only serve to perpetuate the myth that blindness and ignorance can lead to peace. Enough is enough!