Might start university


Young Muslim
I haven't been to school since year 6, and I'm in year 11 now... idk what I'm going to do but inshallah I will have Allah with me.

So give me some advice inshallah, any supplications, anything. Jazaks.


Staff member
assalamu alaykum,

You haven't been to school for five years? Were you home schooled? Did you complete your GCSEs and A-levels? if so what sort of things are you strong at, what do you enjoy doing? - Also, it doesn't have to be Islam related, a Muslim should be strong in all fields. Many doctors, engineers, scientists etc get to memorise the Quran, hadith and be great at what they do.

in sha Allah when you answer those questions, I can better advise you.

P.s you write "might start", whilst I respect your wishes, I would highly highly recommend that you do continue your education and take the opportunity to go to university.