miracles, what do we (muslims) believe?


One Truth
Assalaam alaikum,
My whole family is christian and they believe in doing miracles in the name of jesus (pbuh) , what do we believe about people being healed and miracles in present day?

Are there any hadith relating to this, or a scholarly opinion about our belief in miracles that happen?
I would consider it the work of shaitan? But i'm no scholar!!!



to Allah we belong

welcome to TTI sister. :) enjpy ur stay!

abt your question, yes miracles do happen. a muslim beliefs in miracles. there are many kinds:

1. done by prophets (prophet Muhammed - peace be upon him did many miracles)

2. done by righteous people

3. done by evil people like dajjal, someone's name ,etc.

but to do miracles in name of a creation is from


Striving for Paradise
Assalaam alaikum,
My whole family is christian and they believe in doing miracles in the name of jesus (pbuh) , what do we believe about people being healed and miracles in present day?

Are there any hadith relating to this, or a scholarly opinion about our belief in miracles that happen?
I would consider it the work of shaitan? But i'm no scholar!!!


What is a Miracle?

A miracle is an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. A miracle is also thought of as a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature, so a miracle is a phenomenon not fully explainable by known "laws" of nature, rather an act by some supernatural entity or unknown force.

We Muslim believe that it is the will of Allah (SWT) getting executed either using our "known" laws of nature or without it, at times these acts may involve angels. But all miracles happen by the will and permission of Allah (SWT). Even Jesus (PBUH) when he used to heal the sick people has said that whatever he does comes from Allah and it is actually Allah who heals all these sick people and it is He who brings back the dead.

But the "healings" these christian Priests and Preachers perform in front of people are basically drama. There have been many documentaries about how these fake "healings" are done. Sheikh Yousuf Estes who used to belong to one such group when he was a Christian has also exposed these fake practices in some of his lectures.

When someone makes Dua (supplication) to Allah (SWT) for anything, and if Allah accepts the Dua, then that thing happens miraculously. Isn't this is a kind of miracle too ?

During a sermon in Medinah the second Caliph Omar (RA) called the muslim army general to look back when they were ambushed by the enemy from behind in Persia, and the general heard his voice and was able to defend the attack because of it. This is in the history. Isn't this a miracle. In Islamic/Arabic term this is called "Karamah", but in English there will be no other word than Miracle.

So today also miracles happen, but they are different in nature than were performed by the Prophets of Allah, none the less, they still happen because they are done by Allah (SWT) and Allah's rule is everywhere and for all times.
