MISGUIDANCE of Maudoodee !!! Beware of taking knowledge from this man. !!

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Assalamu 'alaykum. Sorry to open this thread again, but there was something important that I wanted to post here.

I want to request brother az101 to please save the members of this forum from his extremism. The website and group you quote from are known to be extreme in the disguise of "following the salaf"

The 'Allamah Shaykh bin Baaz, one of the most knowledgeable scholars of our time,.one of the most knowledgeable in aqeedah and whose students are considered the most knowledgeable in aqeedah in our times.... he was asked a question.

The question was regarding his view on the books of al- Mawdudi, sayyid Qutb and abul hasan al nadwi and this was his reply

أرجو من سماحتكم أن تتفضلوا بإبداء رأيكم حول مؤلفات أبي الأعلى المودودي، وأبي الحسن الندوي ، وسيد قطب ؟

كلها كتب مفيدة، كتب هؤلاء الثلاثة رحمهم الله كلها كتب مفيدة، فيها خير كثير ولا تخلو من بعض الأغلاط، كل إنسان يؤخذ من قوله ويترك، ليسوا معصومين، وطالب العلم إذا تأملها عرف ما فيها من الأخطاء. ووجهه من الحق، وهم رحمهم الله قد اجتهدوا في الخير ودعوا إلى الخير وصبروا على المشقة في ذلك، وأبو الحسن موجود والحمد لله وفيه الخير الكثير، ولكن ليس معصوم ولا غيره من العلماء، العصمة للرسل عليهم الصلاة والسلام وما يبلغون عن الله، والرسل عصمهم الله لما يبلغون عن الله، وهكذا الأنبياء أما العلماء كله عالم يخطئ ويصيب ولكن بحمد الله صوابهم أكثر وقد أفادوا وأجازوا ونفعوا الناس يقول مالك رحمه الله، مالك بن أنس إمام دار الهجرة في زمانه: ما منا إلا راد ومردود عليه إلا صاحب هذا القبر. يعني الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، فالمؤمن يطلب العلم وهكذا المؤمنة تطلب العلم كل واحد يتفقه في الدين ويتبصر ويسأل عما أشكل عليه ويقرأ القرآن ويقرأ السنة ، يعتني حتى يعرف الحق بأدلته، وحتى يعرف الغلط إذا غلط العالم ولا يجوز أن يقال هذا فلان، العالم الجليل يؤخذ قوله كله من دون نظر، لا بل من النظر والعناية وعرضها على الأدلة الشرعية فما وافقها قبل وما خالف الأدلة الشرعية ترك، وإن كان عظيماً، وإن كان له أجر عظيم، وإن كان مجتهداً في الخير، وإن كان مشهورا.

In summary the above fatwa states the following points:

- Their books are beneficial (i.e. Sayyid Qutb's, Al-Mawdudi's and Al-Nadwi's).

- He then said that no scholar is free from error and that their books had some errors.

- He then said that these, may Allah have mercy on them, strove to do good, called towards good etc.

- He then said that every scholar makes mistakes and also gets a lot correct. As to what they are correct in is far more and outweighs what is bad.

This is what Shaykh al-Albani had to say about him when he was asked about Mawdudi


Shaykh al-Albani made some remarkable statements towards the end:

" I advise you and the other youths who–it seems to us are on a crooked path, and Allaah knows best–to stop wasting your time in criticising each other, saying so and so said this, and so and so said that, and so and so said this.Because, firstly, this has nothing to do with knowledge whatsoever. And secondly, this way fills one with spite and brings about malice and hatred in the hearts.It is only upon you to seek knowledge."

It's very important that we are careful before labelling anyone a kaafir, innovator or faasiq. If some of the most senior and knowledgeable of our scholars took a balanced stance, it only makes sense that as laymen we are balanced as well so as to not cause fitnah, fasaad and disunity amongst Ahl al-sunnah.

I would like to here what you have to say about Shaykh b. Baz's fatwa, considering he is someone who has been given former knowledge.

The extract from the letter of Shaykh b. Baz that you posted is not even a refutation of mawdudi, it was a letter of advice and not a refutation. In the letter Shaykh b. Baz addresses him with utmost respect by addressing him with "His eminence" and did not address him as an innovator or any label of that sort.

BarakAllah feekum.

Wasalamo`Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraakaatuh,

JazaakAllaahy khayraa for clearing the confusion.