Modern Muslim Invention ( With Patent Number )


New Member
I am slightly amused when I do hear people questioning what Muslims have contributed, well, lets start with modern medicine the number zero, architecture... Etc.



Young Muslim

This is very interesting, but if you read the comments on that video you can see that people still are debating the fact, heh.

This is true, and when I stand up for Muslims I get the "are you a Muslim?" question and the look of "but but but you're a white boy."

Hello Wanderer,

I appreciate your sincerity and respect towards Islam. Many of these types of people you mention are stagnant and their eyes veil them from beyond the mere skin color of a man or woman. In Islam, we stand together in prayer. Shoulder to shoulder. Feet to feet. Praying in 1 direction towards the 1 Creator of the world. Our physical attributes disapper. We stand equal before God.

Thank God we aren't judged by color of our skin in the hereafter. The only thing that will be beneficial to us in the next life is our deeds and our faith in Allah swt. May you stand for the Truth and continue to seek and find answers to your life. Peace.


Junior Member

This is very interesting, but if you read the comments on that video you can see that people still are debating the fact, heh.


I know right !

But there shouldnt be any debate . Each invention has a patent number . They should google the patent see it for themselves that a muslim took part or solely invented the thing-ma-jig .