More Power&More torture


Junior Member
Bismillah-hir- rahmaan-nir- raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuh​

My brothers and sisters
Here is an episode of the Inspiration program
with Shaikh: Moutasem Al-Hameedi
A program concerned with the biography (seerah) of
Prophet Mohammad peace and blessing be upon him


The episode is talking about
- Events following the conversion of Omar Ibn El-Khattab to Islam.

- The story of prostration of all people (believers & disbelievers)
after hearinhg the verses of surat An-najm.

- Muslims were getting more power & the invitation to Islam became more public.

- The disbelievers realized that the situation is getting out of control,
and increased their attacks & torture

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