More Salafi Refutation of Bin Laden and his Gang


This was really a no brainer, but I thought well I will listen to it. It is very nice how they presented all the sheiks, I new every one of their voices; may Allah be pleased with them.

What I did find disturbing how this "promoted site in the video" took it upon themselves to associate other people with the same context. The sheiks didn't speak of these other people. They answered the question given. It was about bin laden and his crew.

There is speech by a notable sheik about what this "promoted website in the video", is doing.

I love the brothers fillah, and I wish for them to take the sheik's advice. And I think we should stay true to the topic at hand and not force associations to anybody unless we are sure. Reading someone's book doesn't make you misguided.

In chemistry class in the west, in the past, you read "matter can't be created or destroyed", this isn't Islam, a muslim doesn't beleive that. Allah said be and it happened. So judging someone by a book they have read, shouldn't be a description of their aqeedah.

I myself try very hard to be as close as I can to the best umma that was raised for mankind. The companions and tabieen rihmat Allah alayhum.

Yes it is clear about bin laden. wa Allah ya3lam everything.

may Allah guide all of us.




Staff member
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

the link that you posted was about the Jami'at Ahlul Hadith, UK.

As for the others mentioned, then their methodology and outright ignorance is quite clear, it is NOT the same as what the Salaf and the Kibaar Ulema' of today teach. I do not understand how someone can accept something from the Ulema', and here we are talking about the Muhaditheen and Fuqahaa' of our times, who always are grounded in the firm knowledge and who studied for decades with some of the greatest scholars of the century such as Shaykh ash-Shankiti (rahimahullaah), Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraahim aal Shaykh(rahimahullah), Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di (rahimahullah) etc and reject them on other matters.

So our Islaam is clear, and those who uphold it truly, are clear. There is no room for people just to coast along with their desires and protect those who openly disgrace the true manhaj and Aqeedah.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

the link that you posted was about the Jami'at Ahlul Hadith, UK.

As for the others mentioned, then their methodology and outright ignorance is quite clear, it is NOT the same as what the Salaf and the Kibaar Ulema' of today teach. I do not understand how someone can accept something from the Ulema', and here we are talking about the Muhaditheen and Fuqahaa' of our times, who always are grounded in the firm knowledge and who studied for decades with some of the greatest scholars of the century such as Shaykh ash-Shankiti (rahimahullaah), Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraahim aal Shaykh(rahimahullah), Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di (rahimahullah) etc and reject them on other matters.

So our Islaam is clear, and those who uphold it truly, are clear. There is no room for people just to coast along with their desires and protect those who openly disgrace the true manhaj and Aqeedah.


I agree with you brother and appreciate your posts. They are very informative.

It just frustrates me when I see people with access to our ulama that don't take the time out, to communicate with others outside their circle and inform. When we try to follow up via online we fall into gossip and useless information. and I am not talking about TTI in anyway.

in sha Allah, we see things get better, and our listening to these knowledgeable sheiks will reach us. Things are better than before though. I try to keep up via satellite, but programming is never consistant or made available; so it is hit or miss until ramadhan.

*note there is written material, but I want to hear them speak so I could feel how they are saying it. there is a difference. And I do try to read as much as I can, to keep up to date.

may Allah increase for all of us knowledge



Staff member

I agree with you brother and appreciate your posts. They are very informative.

It just frustrates me when I see people with access to our ulama that don't take the time out, to communicate with others outside their circle and inform. When we try to follow up via online we fall into gossip and useless information. and I am not talking about TTI in anyway.

in sha Allah, we see things get better, and our listening to these knowledgeable sheiks will reach us. Things are better than before though. I try to keep up via satellite, but programming is never consistant or made available; so it is hit or miss until ramadhan.

*note there is written material, but I want to hear them speak so I could feel how they are saying it. there is a difference. And I do try to read as much as I can, to keep up to date.

may Allah increase for all of us knowledge


assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

JazakAllaahu khayr,

Please see this, it is by Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al Abaad, Hafizahullaah>

People of the Sunnah, be Kind with One Another