more than urgent

alsalamo alikom
ramadan mubarak

plz give me some of your time

i have no proof that the right religon is Islam and the quran is the words of ALLAH and have not changed at all and the sunna is the words of prophet mohammed peace be upon him and they are 100% right

i have no proof that islam,quran,and sunna are not made up by people and the names are made up names

i have no proof that all other religon are wrong and islam is the only right religon

i dont know how all muslims are convincned 100% with islam and have no doubts at all !!!

plz tell me what do you think my basic problem

its very important because this is paradise and hellfire we are talking about

thank you and may ALLAH have mercy on all muslims everywhere


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
wa aleikum salam wr wb
~The Islamic aqeedah is as essential for man as water and air. Without this aqeedah he is lost and confused. The Islamic aqeedah is the only one which answer the questions that have always preoccupied man and still preoccupy human thought and cause frustration~

Is a long thread but please read and with patience you can see some answers, inshAllah.

Aliya Javed

Shyness is the most beautiful character
alsalamo alikom
ramadan mubarak

plz give me some of your time

i have no proof that the right religon is Islam and the quran is the words of ALLAH and have not changed at all and the sunna is the words of prophet mohammed peace be upon him and they are 100% right

i have no proof that islam,quran,and sunna are not made up by people and the names are made up names

i have no proof that all other religon are wrong and islam is the only right religon

i dont know how all muslims are convincned 100% with islam and have no doubts at all !!!

plz tell me what do you think my basic problem

its very important because this is paradise and hellfire we are talking about

thank you and may ALLAH have mercy on all muslims everywhere
Waleykum assalam brother. Read the Quran with understanding. Insha Allah, you will get all the answers of your questions. Quran itself is a miracle of God sent to mankind by our beloved prophet, Peace Be Upon Him through angel Jibreel(Al) . No book is written like a Quran. It is the most unique book. No human can write a book like this.

Abu Loren

Defender of Islam!
alsalamo alikom
ramadan mubarak

plz give me some of your time

i have no proof that the right religon is Islam and the quran is the words of ALLAH and have not changed at all and the sunna is the words of prophet mohammed peace be upon him and they are 100% right

i have no proof that islam,quran,and sunna are not made up by people and the names are made up names

i have no proof that all other religon are wrong and islam is the only right religon

i dont know how all muslims are convincned 100% with islam and have no doubts at all !!!

plz tell me what do you think my basic problem

its very important because this is paradise and hellfire we are talking about

thank you and may ALLAH have mercy on all muslims everywhere

The answer is you don't have guidance from Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.
The proof of that is me, I was just like you a couple of years ago.
Now I believe there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.
Now when I read the Holy Qur'an and the Hadiths of the Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi Wa SAllam) I am convinced that they are the truth 100%. Proof? I don't need proof I have FAITH.


Eman Yousuf

Junior Member
Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Please read Quran with understanding, try to attend classes where they teach about various aspects of islam. Look at yourself how you came into being? may be that will help you from this confusing thoughts you are having nowadays. Seek protection from Allah (swa) against shaitaan for these feelings. make dua'a , the best help.

I am a revert too, but al hamdulillah , if thoughts like that comes , I seek refuge against evil shaitaan , my faith gets stronger.

wa salaam ,:)


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alaikum

bro proof is quran itself

And We have certainly revealed to you verses [which are] clear proofs, and no one would deny them except the defiantly disobedient. (2:99)

And if you want on the spot proof then isn't it proof enough that due to the words of one blessed book close to 2 billion people don't touch alcohol, pork, gambling etc ? compare that to the norm of societies