More zakat confusion...


Junior Member

Ok, so I have calculated out my zakat, and it really popped my eyes out of my head! I am quite a saver, since I am working outside the US, and therefore not contributing to a retirement fund (my retirement fund IS my savings) nor to Social Security. And since my husband pretty much pays all the bills, I have no real debts.

I have no problem paying my zakat, but honestly, the amount I am required to pay makes me think, "Geez, and I have given so much charity the REST of the year, that maybe I don't want to give so much next year!"

Now, I know that kind of thinking is not nice, but the amount I am paying in Zakat will be about as much as one complete month's salary for me (and I work full-time as an experienced professional and make a nice salary, masha'Allah). Is it possible I am calculating it wrong?

It is really hard to type out what I am trying to ask, without it seeming like I am trying to be less than charitable, but I also don't want to rip myself off. I give frequently to charities (and beggars) throughout the year (in small amounts each) and I sponsor a child in Egypt through a charity organization.

So, is there anyone here who is quite knowledgeable about the calculations of Zakat? I tried several different zakat calculators online, and got several different amounts. *sigh* Help?

(Although I will say, that the link regarding the house I own but don't live in - my parents do - was helpful in discovering that my parents using it is considered being used since I don't charge rent and make no money off the house - thanks to whomever that was that posted that - I forgot who!)


to Allah we belong
zakat is paid on annual Islamic year savings. its 2.5%.

so maybe instead of giving with the intention of sadaqah, give it as zakat as its more necessary.

its a blessing of Allah that He gave u knowledge and money so that u can help the poor ppl.

so many dont know about importance of zakat and many dont have wealth to give.

try to give with a happy heart as ur each dollar will bring many smiles.

fo calculation, pls consult alim as we might be wrong.

was salaam