Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law! why do they fight?

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to Allah we belong
after reading posts of sisters muslim18, safiya, allahiswithme and naad; i have become optimistic about getting a good wife. :)

tons of clones of them and it will become much easier for us to breathe in ease. :D

may Allah bless us all.


Assalamu Alaikum

after reading posts of sisters muslim18, safiya, allahiswithme and naad; i have become optimistic about getting a good wife. :)

tons of clones of them and it will become much easier for us to breathe in ease. :D

may Allah bless us all.

Here you go Bro!!!!!:jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap: You have all geared now. This thread really brought some smile on your face ( although after 3 pages) . So now all set to tie Sehra on your head now. LOL. When is the feast????



to Allah we belong
Here you go Bro!!!!!:jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap: You have all geared now. This thread really brought some smile on your face ( although after 3 pages) . So now all set to tie Sehra on your head now. LOL. When is the feast????


jazaak Allah khair brother for your concern for me which i can see in your posts.

Prophet (PBUH) said, "When a man loves his brother (for Allah sake) let him tell him that he loves him".[At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud].

let me also tell that brother i also love you for the sake of Allah. may Allah bless you and your family in both the worlds.


Assalamu Alaikum

:salam2: ,
Well Akhi it was in humour that i have told you. I didn't mean to belittle this issue or your sensitivity to this issue.

May ALLAH SWT bless us all with Jannatul firdaws. Ameen.



after reading posts of sisters muslim18, safiya, allahiswithme and naad; i have become optimistic about getting a good wife. :)

tons of clones of them and it will become much easier for us to breathe in ease. :D

may Allah bless us all.

wow brother, that was quite sweet a compliment!:)
I pray that your wife be a very good person and INSHA ALLAH keep you and ur family (especially ur mother;)) extremely HAPPY!!! INSHA ALLAH


to Allah we belong

I pray that your wife be a very good person and INSHA ALLAH keep you and ur family (especially ur mother;)) extremely HAPPY!!! INSHA ALLAH

Ameen Ameen Ameen. waiting for that blessed moment inshallah

and may Allah bless ur life too!



So, you ppl dont want Mama's boy. Right? But when that MAN says a clear NO, why does the wife get angry and go to her mama's home?

Woman is never understandable. My Shaikh says , love her and dont try to understand her. He is right :). If you try to understand them, all you will get is curd of your mind (dimagh ki dahi :D)

The best way in my opinion is to sneak out and let the two woman decide the things because if you say yes to one, other will get angry and vice versa.

I am not married yet but i am surely gona follow this strategy in future inshALLAH. Gona give mother her place and wife, her place. Problem arises when you intermingle between the two. Also, one needs to be ready that her wife might leave her as a consequence :D (unless she is pious and knows the deen properly)

Also, some one said that we dont know the Huqooq of each other which is very right. If we just give the rights of other person, life can become a breeze. Its hard, but possible.

Brother ahmed, "saas baho ka jhagra" its common in indo-pak culture but there are many good examples and i tell you this is not RARE. Dont worry, there are good girls and they are not scarce. Its just the matter of time, which is written in your fate.
And follow my strategy, if you want a good sleep after marriage.. lol

Also, my request to sister muslimah86 is that every one does not have a brain like you. So, please read and re-read your posts before publishing it here and make sure that its giving the indended meaning to the readers.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Also, my request to sister muslimah86 is that every one does not have a brain like you. So, please read and re-read your posts before publishing it here and make sure that its giving the indended meaning to the readers.


Sounds *very* familiar...a fellow member with manners waaay less than those of a gentleman..gave me *the exact* advice!!!...weird..weird..weird..


btw...I do not mind taking the time explaining any post I make..because I can't "read and reread" beyond once or twice if I'm able check I don't know about you..but I don't have THAT MUCH TIME on my hands!..besides I've been on this forum for 2 years..and I can literally..*count* the times I had to that should say SOMETHING about MY BRAIN and the the brain of OTHERS with *understanding* and a will to *comprehend*

P.S. In case you need "further elaboration" on this get "the intended" meaning from me?..ask for it!..I don't mind getting the ajer of making others *understand* what I'm *all about*..or should I say what *my brain* is ALL ABOUT!!! :)..really!..and I think you *already* know THAT first-hand..don't you brother Al-Qurtubi?! know I don't mind ELABORATING!!!..if you don't want to ask..then..go ahead..take the liberty of rewinding the memory tape inside your head..VOILA!!!..all should be clear!!! :)



Well Sister muslimah,

I said that because i have seen it on occassions where you have written something and people have got it differently, may be because you have missed adding salt ( required words to make it sound exactly what you want) in it. I will consider it seriously if i hear same thing about me, from different persons. Thats just me though.

If you want to be funny, make sure u sound funny before any one else complains that he/she didnt like it and then u justify that you were trying to be funny :)

There is nothing about spelling mistakes. They cant be ignored easily. And YES, you once elaborated one of your posts for me. So, no complains about the elaboration part as your are always willing :)

I dont know why you sound fuming to me in this reply? Is it my BRAIN only, which gets your post in such a way or is it something else? Or are you aggressive by default :)


to Allah we belong
pls dont make my post a fight section of bro's and sisters.

i was talking about MIL-DIL fight and brothers and sisters started fighting. :D

brother qurtubi and sister muslimah86......patience and forgiveness...for the sake of Allah!! please!!!

you both have clarified ur say ' i take refuge in Allah fom shaitan', make wudu, have a glass of water and then come back :)
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