Mother rewards daughter for going astray!!!


Junior Member
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 (London)

Though the behaviour of British teenager Sam Holt, who smokes dope, drinks alcohol and even has sex, would leave most parents in despair, for her mother the 13-year-old is "sweet" rather than shocking.

Tracy Holt, 43, who lives in Gosport, Hampshire, says there are a "lot worse things" her daughter Sam could be doing than smoking 15 cigarettes a day, the Daily Telegraph has reported.

Holt, a jobless single mother with two other grown-up children and who smokes 20 cigarettes a day herself, said she believed that because she herself hasn't yet suffered from cancer, "she'll probably be alright anyway".

She told a British magazine that she was glad that her daughter was not "a proper drunk" and had not graduated to harder drugs, even though she hangs out with friends and drinks beer.

"I don't see the point in punishing her. If I ground her, I'm just punishing myself because I have to put up with her in the house," she said.

"Instead, I reward her good behaviour by giving her cigarettes. If she's bad, she goes without."

"She's a little comedian. I let her get away with a lot of cheek. It's sweet."

Sam, who admits to having had four sexual partners in less than a year, told Closer magazine: "I only sleep with boyfriends. I worry about getting pregnant because I don't want kids until I'm married so I always use condoms."

Sam's track record at school is also shocking, as she has been excluded from school for more than 40 times for bad behaviour.

"Sam got suspended for the first time after she climbed on to the school roof," said her mother, who believes her daughter's behaviour is down to the teachers at her school who were "too soft" with her.

Now, what can be more worse...gosh


Junior Member
This is an evidence that the open culture, accepting everything is human rights.

And also do not point fingers towards Westerners in general. There are culprits in every community like this.

Anyway, this is good that the story is relayed so that our people too keep an eye on their children. It is a must for every parent to bring children from childhood according to the parth shown by our Creator, the Almighty.

Then only a peaceful future could be assured of.



Junior Member
Assalam aliekum

I feel sorry for the teenage girl for having a mother who really does not care about her. This girl is trying to find love in the arms of men because it is obvious she does not get proper love at home.

Honestly, I think the mother should be put in jail.

How can we expect young people (in any religion) to be acceptable members of society when they are not being taught how at home?



Junior Member
Assalam aliekum

I feel sorry for the teenage girl for having a mother who really does not care about her. This girl is trying to find love in the arms of men because it is obvious she does not get proper love at home.

Honestly, I think the mother should be put in jail.

How can we expect young people (in any religion) to be acceptable members of society when they are not being taught how at home?


:salam2: I agree Sister Lana. The saddest thing for me in the article is clearly the mother doesn't want to be bothered with her child at all. I guess she cramps her style :(

Obviously the child senses she is not wanted and this adds to the behaviour of someone who doesn't respect herself.

We should pray for kids like this that grow up too fast and head down the wrong path. May she be guided to the Light of Allah and put this negative behaviour behind her. Allah is the All-Knowing and Most Merciful.



Junior Member
Sam, who admits to having had four sexual partners in less than a year, told Closer magazine: "I only sleep with boyfriends. I worry about getting pregnant because I don't want kids until I'm married so I always use condoms."

thats only if someone marries her. this is truely disgusting.



:astag:this is so sad. I say any woman can have a baby, but it does not make them a mother. I really hate stories like this, the child always suffers!


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As disbeliever would want all others to disbelieve, And as hypocrites would want all others to be like them, Astray people wouldn't mind for others to go astray..


New Member
May Allah give them guidance! we should not show extreme love or severity towards our kids,we must obtain the mid way. and we ourselves should be an example for them. Becoz kids emulate what we do.


Junior Member
I think my friends and I have the right idea, people should have to pass courses and obtain a license in order to have children...I know it sounds a little Big Brother, but when you hear stories like this it doesn't seem like such a bad idea, why some form of Social Services hasn't taken this child away after this story boggles my mind.


Junior Member
Assalam aliekum

I think what this shows is that we, as human beings, need to be good examples in our lives (I am talking to everyone, not just Muslims). We need to help-out in schools and hospitals and child care centers and senior centers and just be good people helping others. This would help two-fold - first, the communities we live in will be better off and secondly, what a way to show that not all Muslims are evil terrorists!

This poor girl basically got a horrible start in life from a mother who didn't want to be a mother, and in a few years when she is an adult, she will be held responsible for her actions by society, even though she has never been taught how to be a good, productive member of society. And the cycle will perpetuate - she will most likely end up pregnant soon (just using basic odds) and since we learn how to parent FROM our parents, what kind of mother will this girl be? This is a downward spiral, and it is happening in all areas of the world, not just the western countries. All of us should be looking at our societies and think, what can I change and make better? And then do it.

You don't need money to start change - donate your time, your cast-off clothing and household items, and your heart. A child with cancer in a children's hospital isn't going to care if you are Muslim or not if you spend time reading to them, talking to them, playing with them...they are going to care that you are a loving person who is concerned about them and willing to help them feel better.

Lets all make our little part of the world a better place by us being there.
