

New Member
I had this random thought one day and i wanted to know everyones thoughts on it, after posting it on bebo i decided to post it here

So here it is:
if someone goes to war and kills people are they murders?

My view:
In a way being in the army, is alike any job in the world alike a teacher. Its the person who that is sending them, and telling them to be kill that should be the punisher. Alike the government sends the army to these countries such as iraq and they know that they wont be alike talking peace talks. There be killing people, but there still sending people out to those countries. The government are the murders because they know what is going to happend and they are still sending.
Also, when someone is killed in a war, its noticed as "[Name] Was killed in battle today".
But if a PUBLIC membour, is killed on the news its noticed as "[Name] was murdered today".
But whats the difference?
Because the person in those countries who killed our men, they was setting an aim to kill them, alike an murder would set to kill somone in the streets. Its the same thing.
Just because its somoenes JOB Its just noticed as an Killing and not as murder.
But innocenet people get killed because of stupid conflits between countries, who just cant sit down and talk about things.

People are being murdered because Its not your grandad,dad,brother or uncle making the trouble or causing problems. Or its not people in the other countries. Its the government. People are Dying EVERY Day because of what the government wants to do. But we dont see them going out to war, But they are more than happy to send our people out

In the book Jounerys End by: R.C.Sherrif: Theres an line:
Osborne: There's no need to tell him it's murder- "

Its the same suituation now, the government know that its murder, but they still sending them out today, But if the people who go to war dont do there jobs there just be fired.

However, in a way its still murder (for the people in the war), because they are still going to those places with the aim to serve there coutnry and fight against peoplea and often killing many people. HOWEVER No one makes them join the army, no one makes them pick up that gun and to shoot. Its there brain its there choice....

Personaly I hate wars, they cant bring something good to a country or solve an problem.
Voilence is NEVER the answer


Hi Hannah!

A kind request is to change the colour of the text as it is hardly legible.

I won't go into details and would like to be to the point.

Military officers are not animals (beasts). They each have a head and brain inside it which make them responsible for using it.

If they kill somebody in the war it is still murder and God will hold them responsible for depriving people of their lives.

To say that they are only doing there is job is even worse. To have a job to kill people is the worst job and only people of dead conscience can do it. Just to fill a few stomaches and to put a roof on the head of a few, he (the military officer) is taking the lives of many. This sounds a pethetic job.

Being fired from job is much better than killing innocent people and facing burning hellfire in the next life.

The real men are like Muhammad Ali who refused to go to Vietnam and kill innocent people.

Today, the whole of America consider him as the man of the 20th century.



I would change the colour but i have no idea how to because im new here, i was just testing out colourss

You can do that by editting your post.

Just click on the "edit" at the bottom right of your post and then make the desired changes and resubimt the post.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
If the sister's newly registered, it won't work because she needs to make at least 50 posts or something. Cause she needs to be more actrive on TTI, and that's when they give everbody special previllages (AKA sometimes deleting posts, other times changing it).

Assalamu Alykum.