Muslim from Spain

Abu Bilaal

New Member
As salamu 'alaikum

I am Omar (Abu Bilaal), a Muslim of Spanish origin living in Spain. I embraced Islam 15 years ago in Islamic Centre of Barcelona, when I was 21 years old.

I am very happy to be here with you, I've just discovered your forum last week and I hope to share a lot of things with you and to learn from you. Sorry if my English is poor, English is not my mother tongue, but Catalan language.

Also I want to have deep brotherhood bonds with all of you.

May Allah give us strenght to continue in His blessed Path.

Abu Bilaal

Wa s-salaam


Tamed Brother

Welcome brother, happay to know you have been blessed with Islam for years.

Your English is pretty good. Please dont feel shy in participating here.
And please have a look at the video section.



Assalamu-alaikum !


welcome to the website brother, i ask Allah to make yr coming to this website beneficial to u and to the whole of the Muslim Ummah as well


oem ilias

New Member
salaam brother,
i am verry happy that you found the light of islam,
your english is verry good maasha allaah!
i do my best to write english because i speak netherlands(dutsh)
for me it is a little bit difficult.
again, welkom to the umma of the truth!!


Junior Member
:salam2: brother Abu Bilaal,

Welcome to both Islam and TTI. As a born muslim, I respet to all brothers and sisters who revert Islam. Because you consider, search, learn after that you choose Islam knowing how it is perfect religion. :ma: I would like to congratulate all of you.

May Allah guide us to the right path.
