Muslim schools

Abdul Malik

Junior Member
Asalam alaikum warahmatulahi wabrkatuh,

Inshallah everyone is in the best of health and inshallah in the best of eeman....ameen.

It would be nice to know for the brothers and sisters that have children? how many of them send thier children to islamic schools?
And what people feel in general about schooling in the west, muslim school or non muslim school?

It would be nice to get feedback from everyone jazakallah khairan.

ALLAH guide us all upon the correct way and may he bless us with patience upon that......ameen


Junior Member

My daughter will be attending a preschool/kindergarden from next year that does both Islamic and western education. When she starts primary school, she will go to a regular western school during the morning and in the afternoon she will attend madressa at our local mosque for her islamic education.

In South Africa there are a number of Totally Islamic schools that run Western and Islamic education concurrently for kids till the end of sedondary school. THese schools obviously only have Muslim teachers and students.

We have however chosen to send both our kids to a western state run school, so that they can be exposed to other cultures as to appreciate how special what we have is. Also we strongly believe that to exist in this day and time, we need to teach our children how to co-exist with other religious groups.

Was salaam


New Member

hi im from london and i went to an islamic school and currrently goin to an islamic college, i did enjoy alot at the school,lerant alot at it,we studied btoh the national curriculum subjects as well as the islamic subjects.i still think i missed out alot on the national front and could have done better but overall i dont regret going


Junior Member
A civilisation is measured not by the rights it grants its majority but the privileges it allows its minorities. Muslim families are as entitled as any other religious group to schools that nurture their children's faith. Muslim pupils should be educated in Muslim schools because the current system is marginalising them. Teaching Muslim children in a Muslim school would remove the "problem of them being exposed" to values that conflict with Islamic faith. Muslim pupils are disadvantaged and marginalised in the city's state schools because the cultural heritage of the curriculum is "European and Christian". Muslim schools provide an education in accordance with the Muslim beliefs and values, such as providing single-sex schooling after puberty. They are thus a response to the danger of absorption into the dominant culture. State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are slaughter houses for the Muslim children.