muslims from holland


New Member
salaamoenaleikoem warahmatoellahie wabarakatoeh

i am a brother from the city the hageu(den haag)
i live now in al-madinah and want to meet brothers who are from holland

we moved from holland walhamdulilah,and iam now studiying in the mosque of the prophet peace be upon him.

ps. you can also sent a message


Junior Member
wa aleikum selem wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh!

mashallah wat ben ik jaloers op jou!! moge ALLAH ta3ala jou inshallah veel 3ielm geven die je aan je mede-moslims weer kunt doorgeven!

fi amanilah, je broertje uit maastricht


Junior Member

ive got a good sujestion

firstly go on a search engine

then search
muslim hollandes email address
not sure but you might get something out of it



Servant of Allah
it wouldn't be good to do a search engine. i mean come on it's internet it could lead you to some maniac. and you might even scare the person whose address you get. and what can come out of that is trouble. talking to someone whom you really don't know and it could even be an fbi who's pretending to be muslim. lol. so i'd say that' s not a good idea. you should talk to people whom you know or are trustworthy through friends. salam.


spread the peace
it wouldn't be good to do a search engine. i mean come on it's internet it could lead you to some maniac. and you might even scare the person whose address you get. and what can come out of that is trouble. talking to someone whom you really don't know and it could even be an fbi who's pretending to be muslim. lol. so i'd say that' s not a good idea. you should talk to people whom you know or are trustworthy through friends. salam.

THis is right that the unknown internet contacts may be misleading but true contacts and friends are more reliable.
Also, our religion should be taken from true persons that are entitled to teach us the religion not fom any resources or media which may be fake.


Subhana Allah!
asalamu alaykum

:SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: to tti u have an amazing journey bro. don`t feel so happy living at the city of the prophet and praying a masjid where the prophet use pray. insha Allah someday i will visit. be happy and enjoy ur stay at tti. it is great way to meet muslims form around the world


Junior Member

Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Welcome to TTI. May Allaah make your stay here a beneficial stay, aameen.

was-Salaamu alaykum.


New Member
hayakoemoellah sisters
inshallah you al will come and visit the mosque of the prophet peace be upon him
my days in medinah are very beautifull .if anywone wants to read my dealy program .and want to learn how it is in medinah ti live and study. i am pleased to write about it then.
just sent me a psm.
wa salaam


Your Sister In Islam
salam o alaikoum

Welcome brother to tti. masha allah, congratulations on living there.
salam wa rahmat allah wa barakatou...


Junior Member
salaamoenaleikoem warahmatoellahie wabarakatoeh

i am a brother from the city the hageu(den haag)
i live now in al-madinah and want to meet brothers who are from holland

we moved from holland walhamdulilah,and iam now studiying in the mosque of the prophet peace be upon him.

ps. you can also sent a message



Striving for Paradise
Mabrook brother al-ansarie that you are living in the city of our beloved prophet Mohammad (Sallalaho alihi wasalam) and pray in the beautiful Majid-e-Nawabi.

It is nice that you shared this with us. Now pray for us too that Allah forgive our sins and provide means that we also could visit that holy place. InshAllah.


Nice to meet you.

salaamoenaleikoem warahmatoellahie wabarakatoeh

i am a brother from the city the hageu(den haag)
i live now in al-madinah and want to meet brothers who are from holland

we moved from holland walhamdulilah,and iam now studiying in the mosque of the prophet peace be upon him.

ps. you can also sent a message
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So glad to have you with us,brother.

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslim~Amin!

See you,