My Beloved Beard


My Beloved Beard

Life has really changed.
Gone are the days…
Where people used to say
'Aww your face is so sweet and smooth'.

Gone are the days…
Where it took ages,
To shape my sideburns
And shave all the facial hair.

Gone are the days…
Of beauty, charm and attraction
As the beard is now,
A symbol of terrorism and backwardness.

People see me now,
As something strange and weird.
My relatives often make fun of me,
By asking … who broke your heart?

My distant friends ask me,
Did you join any terrorist camp?
My close friends at times make fun of me
'Hey man, blades are very cheap nowadays'

Women often ask me,
Why don't you shave that ugly beard
And be like a charming superstar?
You look boring!

I feel sorry for my sisters
As their minds are now totally corrupted
Inside the web of clean-shaved star icons,
As they're the new age 'trend setters'.

But very few know
That I follow a superstar.
His name is Muhammed (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam),
The forgotten hero.

And I have no regrets
As he (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam) has taught me,
'This world is prison for a believer
And the hereafter for a non-believer.'

So wake up, O muslim youth !
Remember our heroes – The Prophets and the Sahabahs
Remember, this world is a testing place
And don't let your senses to deceive you.

So be proud to imitate,
The Prophetic style
For he (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam) has commanded us,
'Grow your beards and trim your moustaches'.

And he who loves his (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam) Sunnah,
Has indeed loved him (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam).
And he who loves him (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam),
Will be with him (Salla llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam) in Paradise !


S. Safeer Ahammed Musaliar

Kerala, India.


New Member
Growing the beard is a bigger task than you think brother. As i myself have tried many times, and many times have i failed. When i grow the beard, it just does not seem to grow in the pattern as i wish. It comes off as whiskers sort of and is higher than my cheek bones. Sometimes when i grow the beard, i wait atleast like 1-2 months for it to get long but it doesn't seem to grow like i wish. Sometimes honestly, and faithfully, i do fall under the pressure of looks in this days 'proposed fashion'. Although i can say to myself, i have tried to let it grow to an extent, and edge the corners and under the ears so that it doesn't really look awful.... I love my deen of islam, and i will never have any doubts, but this task is much harder than any person can imagine. Even if there is will.


Assalamu Alaykum Brother Ibrahim,

I agree with you that it is a difficult task. But you must understand that we should obey Allah and His Messenger. One should fear Allah and remember that our course in this life must be to abide by the clear commands of Allah and His Messenger, and not to follow the deformed inclinations of wives, parents, freinds, etc.

Also sometimes satan might bring bad thoughts to you like

1) Irritation and Scratching
2) Job Requirements
3) Threat to life

Have patience my brother and May Allah guide us to abide by His Din, adhere to His Messenger's Sunnah, and be among those whome he blessed.


New Member
salamualaikum brothers

remember that beard is wajib so one ms grow his beard and not shave it of s coz i doesnt look good or doesnt grow the way you intend.
also remember if you keep on shaving you are sinning every second continuesly till you grow a beard as ithis was the command from muhammad salallah hu aalaihi wa sallam.