My Death


Junior Member
Bismallah Alrahman Alrahim

Cold wind
Slight pause
Not a sin
Broken laws
My end
No applause

Being choked
With a chain
Slit my throat
Begins to rain
Left a note
Needless fame
Off the boat
Meet the train

Yet a grin
Begins to show
very dim
But it glows

A promised death
on this bed
Or a scythe
To the head

Different pain
Ends the same

Tried to avoid
What was Fate
Soundless noise
"Its too late"

Now its fine
For me to die
Its not a lie
That I truly tried

The ground
Is my stay
No Sound
Where I lay

Prosecution of your mind
Execution of my body
As a sign
Lifes blotty
But it'll be fine
Keep your sanity
Just remember there is a time
Where this is your reality.

Peace-Mohammed Mutlek(aka me)


Junior Member
Surely, death is a reality and every soul shall taste it!

I like your style of writing, masha'allah! May Allaah grant you and us all Husnul khaatimah(Good ending)..

thank you for sharing it!

Salaam alaik!