My Eyes


Junior Member

When you look into my eyes,
You will see Innocence.
I didn’t do anything wrong,
To see my dad get killed before me.

When you look into my eyes,
You will see Hunger.
I didn’t do anything wrong,
To have my bread taken from me.

When you look into my eyes,
You will see Fright.
I didn’t do anything wrong,
To hear my mom scream at night

When you look into my eyes,
You will see Confusion.
I didn’t do anything wrong,
To see my home explode.

When you look into my eyes,
All you will see is a Child.
I didn’t do anything wrong
To live like this.
I promise, I didn’t…

Assalamu aleykum dear sisters and brothers, please make du'á for our brothers and sisters who are in need. InshaAllah Ameen:hearts:


Junior Member
Very true!!
become muslims be significant with hocking our life for Allah.
we should maintain our faith facing the test of life.

Allah gave us feeling and mind. So we could do thinkings and feelings. But we better recognize these both instrument of our soul, separate then using them for different two purposes.

we use mind to thinking for facing all of our problems in the world, but don't let our feelings get involve with this part. If the feelings get involve it will be very hurt.

and feeling used to feel, just for Allah, and our beloved prophet as a gift from Allah. I hope these all could help us to past the test in this life.