My Introduction


New Member
Asalaamu alaikum

I am honored to be included in this group, and excited to meet and discuss with all of you.

A bit about myself...I am 23 years old and of Puerto Rican/Panamanian descent. I am currently working as a research assistant for a market research firm in the city that never sleeps A.K.A the Big Apple. I would also like to start dabbling in writing. I reverted to Islam this past summer after five years of an intense spiritual journey. Islam has been such a joy and blessing in my life. I am overflowing... no bursting with such happiness and faith that I have never experienced before.

I have begun my first Ramadan, and it has been amazing. I feel my spirit getting stronger everyday, and a closeness to Allah (swt). In'Shallah I hope to share more of my Ramadan with all of you.

Ramadan Mubarak

And I hope to speak with you all soon.




Junior Member
Praises be To Allah


I feel very happy when ever I see a new muslim, Allah :subhanallah: takes us out from darkness to the light and knowlegde of Islam we have to thank and praise him
:Allah: :Allah: :Allah: :Allah: :Allah: :Allah: :Allah: :Allah: :subhanallah:


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum



:ma: you have embraced Islam and come to deen.:biggrin:

Welcome to the website,inshallah you will benefit from it.

May Allah(Swt) guide us all to the straight path and protect us from all evil.

