My Introduction

King of Harts

New Member

My name is Siddeeq Matadar and i am from Blackburn, England. I like playing and watching Football. I am a fan of Wrestling such as "WWE" and "TNA". I like listening to Musics such as "Rock" and "Hip-Hop". I am 13 Years Old. I like hanging out with Friends and going to places.

The reason i have joined this website is because i want to change myself fully to become a true Muslim. The truth is that i don't pray my Namaaz at all and i oftenly don't do any good actions. What i do is do something bad which isn't got to do with Islam such as insulting Islam, being cruel to people and all sorts. And now that i am changing the way a Muslim should be.



Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum


Welcome to TTI, Insha Allah you benifit from us.

May Allah guide you to the right path and never let you go astray.


Love my islam

Junior Member
You have taken first step to clean your act. You should ask Allah to guide you. InshhaAllah Allah will. I will pray for you.


Junior Member


Muslim Guy
Salam alaikum and welcome to TTI ...

Your intentions for joining this site are very good...

InshAllah you will achieve your goals in becoming a better person and a better muslim.


welcome to the family, brother....
May Allah swt bless & guide u..
dnt hesitate to ask about anything here.


One Truth
:mashallah: :mashallah: :mashallah:
I'm so happy :) Allah has guided you to the Straight Path. Continue to educate yourself on what is good. Read the Quran, start praying. May Allah make the path easy for you and continue to guide you on this beautiful path brother. My prayers are with you. :tti_sister:


New Member
Friendly Advice


You are lucky becouse your quite young, i would say that you are already on some sort path becouse if you are ony 13 and are thinking about these things, then you must have some fear of Allah,

I am not a schollar or and Imaam but this is what i think you should do to help you :inshallah:

Read Quran, try to read Quran and understand as much as you can if you do not understand the Quran try and read it with an english translation so you know what you are reading, the reason i say this is becouse this is the 1st command of Allah, Iqra. Another reason for this is i was like you not at 13 though at say around 18/19, I had read Quran before but when i started reading this with englsih translation it opened my eyes/heart and i learnt more than ever

i could go on with a few other sugestions but i think the above is the best i can give

May Allah guide you and guide us all
