My Jihad

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
My Jihad
m a woman
my whole life is jihad
shatan is my worse enemy
round the clock i feel his stand off
my commander is Allah
and His spokes person
Rasool Allah {S.A.W}
my weapons are prayers
my Armour are sajood
my cavalry are virtues
my frontier are hadood
i take care of my modesty
n i consider it , ribat
my horsii (horse) is my mind
i rush it to find
where is raza of my Lord
my house will be a hawk's ridge
where i will teach
new hawks how to grab the vultures
and how to rise
from lust
from worldly interests
and how to face the enemy
with thrust of their blood

don't consider me weak
m not only a cook
nor only a house keeper

i can see from my ridge
not far away
behind the peaks of suffering and pain
a dawn of my UMMAH
by :me