my journey towards Islam...


to Allah we belong
I don´t want to tell my whole storry. Short: I went astray... then God has guided me to the straight path... and what happened was that I could not manage to stay firm on it...


Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate from the truth after You have guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Your grace. Verily You are the Giver of bounties without measure. Quran (3:8)

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
no I beliefe you are way better than me in your development as muslim...
because you are struggling to stay on the right path... I´m still struggling to come to the straight path.... may Allah guide me...

well I too was born into a traditional family... I was taught to avoid the "ayip" things... but not the haram things... You know what I´m talking about...

living in a western country on the one side and in a traditional family on the other side was not always easy... I grow up in two diffrent cultures which are totally contradicting....

I don´t want to tell my whole storry. Short: I went astray... then God has guided me to the straight path... and what happened was that I could not manage to stay firm on it...

:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

may ALLAH firm your feet and make you steadfast.ameen


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum to everyone!

First of all we pray that May Allah Subhana wa'taala guide you to straight path and give you hidaya to adhere islam and live a pious life.

One thing that i was always learned...... When you belive Allah is going to help you surely he helps you.........

If we have the need then we can archive anything with the help of Allah, No one loves you than Allah do. Alah loves us morethan our parents do so Inshaallah make a firm decision on what your going to do and how you should be and seek Allahs help in all your activitys & dua's and avoid doing unpleasing things to Allah subhana wathaala.


I pray that no muslim shoud be involved in Haram activities and prohibited things because if its so our dua's wont be accepted. Yet Allah knows best and let him guide us to the "sirathul musthakkeen"