My Sister- A VERY moving Story!!!!!!!


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum

my dearest brothers and sister in islam, today i want to share with you a story that had really brought tears to my eyes. so i thought it might also make you feel the same way that i did. enjoy!! :hearts:

My Sister- A VERY moving Story!!!!!!!




*Fear Allah*

Masha'Allah. Very beautiful story. I think about that not only people not praying but also the brothers and sisters that rush through prayers so quickly. Personally, I feel we should pray each prayer as if its our last. If someone was to tell you tonight is the last night you will live everyone will pray and take time when worshipping Allah. No one knows the time you will die Allahu Alim so people need to be cautious about not praying and rushing through Salat.

Alhumdulilah the sister in the video got the message and started to head down the straight path. mashallah.

Jazak Allah Khair

Salam Amirah80



Nice story. Thank you for sharing.
I wonder if she was saying it from her memory or she actually wrote it down and then read it. Her English is very good!


Servant of Allah
i love this story. i actually read about 5 times but i never knew it was actually true. asalamu alaykum wrwb.