need du'aa as a support


Seeking Allah's Love
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh everybody.

I am here just to ask you to make du'aa for me..

1) My neighbour is interested in knowing more about religion. Last night we have had a long disscussion about Allah. They complain on why do we have to differ when we believe in the only One God. They said we have to always be conscious that Allah is there watching us so we have to be good in all things. "Thats all that concern". And I totally agree with him. Thats actually the teaching of Islam. My neighbour doesnt believe Jesus is God. Their characters are the characters that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us and I really pray from Allah that he and his family become muslims one day.

2) However.... I have a bad time with my study now. I am a dentistry student. I have still a lot to read for the exams and am worried about myself. Please pray may Allah make me stronger than this. I dont want to give people bad image of Islam.

3) My sister is looking for a husband. She has already met a good brother, they communicate in a way that inshaallah Allah has made it halal for them, alhamdulillah. So may they proceed, get married and become a righteous pair inshaallah.

4) I havent called my parents for a long time. We are ok with this, but, may Allah protect them with His Mercy. Ameen.

THANK YOU and may all the du'aas you make for me go back to you :). Ameen.


to Allah we belong
:wasalam: akhi.

1. may Allah guide them to Islam.

2. may Allah make you successful dentist. Dr. Almanar :)

3. may Allah bless ur sister with pious good-natured husband.

4. may Allah keep ur parents safe.


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
:salam2: dear sister
inshaAllah u and other brothers and sisters are always in my duaa
stay strong sis,
dentistry is tough but we do believe that u will do ur best
might be nice if u call ur parents once in a while cos im sure they misses u
but surely they are always in ur duaa'
would like to send some warm greetings from ur homeland
and we'll all be waiting for u here
inshaAllah najah a'la kulli hal aminn
take care :SMILY259: