Need Duas & Advice


Junior Member
Brothers & sisters,
i need ur duas & advices...i have a problem..
my baby doesn't sleep at night!
i know this is common among babies but my baby is 15 months old!my pediatrician says he is hyper active..i feel very tired ..i am a mother of 2 husband & I had been through a lot the past year..and in this ramadhan i can't make much ibadat..i feel too tired...i'm suffering from anemia, i have university courses(assignment + exams) , i work full time during the day..
my dear brothers & sisters plz pray for us..i can't stand's been too much 15 months i haven't slept well...i can't get my energy back..
i know this is a test from Allah(swt) ...may be i'm not being patient anymore ..
i don't know what to think..plz help me my dear brothers & sisters.

jazakAllahu Khayran.


Trying 2 plz ALLAH
As Salaam Alaykum Sister, what r u feeding the child? do u let the child take napsduring the day? how was the other 2 childrens sleep habits? is the child eating solid food yet? try getting ur rest when the child does ( when it naps u nap ) try solid food... like right off ur plate. if the child naps during the day try 2 keep it awake so it will b tired ( like u r ) when u put it down 2 sleep. going 4 walks or a drive used 2 put mine down 4 the count, but, that was 16yrs ago... u could do like my Ummi and let them cry themselves 2 sleep... if ur neighbors don't mind!!! may ALLAH make it easy 4 u. ASA


Junior Member

Sister ShyHijabi is our resident medical expert - perhaps you can private message her and she can give you some professional advice.


Junior Member
Wa alaykum assalaam sisters, thanx for the replies..
sis baby eats what we eat since he is 1 year old..but i blend it a little bit cos he got 4 teeth for the time being. He naps during the day for only 2 hours...that is b4 his lunch..i work the whole day so i can't nap together with elder son sleeps well Alhamdullillah..just my youngest one is hyper. i can't let him cry to sleep ..coz me & husband after a tiring day at work esp in ramadhan ..we feel irritated when he cries in the middle of the night..
yesterday we couldn\t stand anymore i gave 1 tsp of piriton syrup..& he slept! but today i won\t give that cos i know it's bad ...plz pray for us..Allah is the most Powerful..he will surely help...Insha Allah!
I welcome any advice..
Jazak Allahu Khayran.


Junior Member
Im sorry to hear ..

Asalam aleikum ukhtii..

Im very sorry to hear that. I hope inshaALlah by ur patience Allah will reward u and find a solotion inshaAllah.. I will advice u to read Quran upon him during the night, maybe he will fell asleep cause the Quran its very amazing. i know many sisters that can't sleep but when the put a CD with Quran they fell asleep. so inshaALlah try ur best i know its hard but the Quran will help absoulotly inshaALLAH.. Im not a mother so cant give u other advice but the Quran most be the best solution biidniAllah kareem..

Fi amanillah..