Need Help! Interview at Mosque


How are you doing?
I have an interview at a Mosque for an bookkeeping/accounting position. They just listed the requirements for the position, but not the job description.
I was wondering can anyone give me tips on how to prepare for an interview at a Mosque?
The position it doesn't have job description, which is making it harder. Any bookkeeper here? Please suggest which skills I should brush up on.
Other confusion, I don't know what to wear. I usually wear dress pants and hijab on interview. But I am thinking if I should wear an abaya or not? My abaya is SLIGHTLY small on me. Should I still wear it?
I am going for an interview after a really long time. Please pray that I get the job.

Please help.



Staff member
Wa alaykum salam,

alhamdulillah doing good!

If you fit their requirements, then in sha Allah you should be fine. Try not to worry, trust in Allah to help you. Make istikhara and just go for it!

May Allah reward you with all that is good in this dunya and in the akhirah! amin



فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
I usually wear dress pants and hijab on interview. But I am thinking if I should wear an abaya or not? My abaya is SLIGHTLY small on me. Should I still wear it?
I am going for an interview after a really long time. Please pray that I get the job.

Please help


I would say avoid an ostentatious approach, especially with regards to dress. If this job is in your khair, and written among the things you will hold to have achieved, then this intent on seeking glorification from fellow folks at the Masjid is not a safe idea. If you usually wear clothes that do not fall close the the likes of the Abaya, yet intend on doing so at some point, and should you wear it to the interview, purify your intention. That's all that matters.

May Allah grant you that which you most desire and that which be the gateway to seeking His pleasure in Deen and dunya.

Nureyni Amir

Junior Member
Walaikum Asalam Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuh sister.
Ma'sha'Allah may Allah make the interview easy for you.
Follow the Condition of Hijab by ibn Utheymen, Pray two raka'ah before you leave the house, make du'a, and leave the rest to Allah swa (tawakal).