need some advices please


Seeking allah

salaam all its been a while since I had time to drop in sadly my work commitments often get in the way of my life commitments, I am looking for some advice to help a sister that converted for all the wrong reasons and s now letting her faith slide she converted because a friend did also she didn't really pay any attention to the real islam as she followed her friend/sister but now she don't even pray at all I'm looking to try to guide her back to the path of islamand to get her to update her own knowledge of islam as she really appears to have lost her way can anyone help? she wears hijab but doesn't follow any other islamic way? i am trying to help inshallah by taking her to the mosque and advising she needs to pray 5 timesdaily but cannot force her to inshallah she must do it herself??? advice from all would be most welcome



Junior Member
I don't have any advice but can relate....I as a revert often find it hard to swallow various teachings of islam and find myself still thinking in the way I always have. It is really hard to just abandon the way of thinking and life you had before. Sometimes I question if I am really truly muslim. I sometimes think maybe I am still a christian who accepts islam as being the same as chrisitianity so one and the same. It is hard. Be patient with her and just be a great friend and lead by example I would think is the best way.


New Member
Wa Aleikom Salam...
Maybe I am not the best person to respond..but I kind of want to. I want to share something I found on another thread a while back. When I read it, I thought to myself.."this person is living my life...speaking my words" Only, they are a convert and I am not. But I feel like one because I come from a background of very RELAXED Muslims to say the least. My knowledge is based soley on whatever I was told to do as a child, I am to do and that's it.

I met a lot of converts and I feel like one of them. You would not believe how far from the path I have strayed. Just the other day I voiced my inner most secrets here on this forum and after coming back to it the next day, I realized how incredibly stupid I sound. How really far from Islam I must be that I would conjure up such an act in my head and justify it.

I think that it all comes down to discipline, and want and desire from within, and of course your surroundings. All of these combined can help a person to overcome, to increase their knowledge and also to help them WANT to be good and closer.

There are a lot of weak people in this world and I for certain am one of them.

I have read on this forum for a long time now before joining and one person in particular comes to mind when I read this question you asked. There is a person on here, may Allah bless her and keep her grounded and increase her Imaan daily, that was exposed to Islam through marriage. She asked many many questions that provoked anger from a lot of people on here sometimes(still does in fact), but there were the VERY FEW who were patient with her. They tried the best they could to teach her. Eventually, she converted. I see from her posts that she really struggles to understand Islam. She really struggles day in and day out to incorporate it into her life, to learn, to try to accept. What a lot of people don't realize though is that she has it a lot harder than we do. There are those who get angry and tired of answering or going over the same topic with her maybe thinking she is not accepting Islam or just plain out rebelling. We shouldn't think this way. She was not born this way. She was not taught from the beginning. She was taught something totally different and now she basically has to erase everything she was ever taught and change allllllll these things about her and her life in order to be a Muslim. It can be EXTREMELY OVERWHELMING.

Imagine for one minute that we had to change to Christianity. What would we do? Wouldn't we feel odd when Adhan is playing? Wouldn't we feel the urge to go straight to do wudu and pray but then remember, "OH! We are not Muslim anymore" so we can't. How hard would that be for us to change all these things?

Wouldn't we feel lost? Wouldn't it just get to you sometimes so bad that you would just want to say forget it? Wouldn't it be easier to just leave it and go back to what you were? Wouldn't it be easier to say..."ok, I will go to church on Sundays now but I simply refuse to celebrate Easter because it is retarded" ...Really the problem lies in where you just don't understand why they celebrate Easter. It seems stupid to you. It seems not important to worry yourself about because you know in your heart you have a connection with God and that is all that matters. Not whether you celebrate Easter or not. But in this new religion, you HAVE TOO. It is required. So what is a person to do? A former Muslim?

This is how a convert feels..

So now, to address your question. I must commend you. You are doing exactly what this girl needs. She needs you and the Ummah needs people like you. You cannot change her whole way of thinking, but you can be the best example you can. You can let her know that she doesn't HAVE TO CHANGE everything at this moment. (which is alot of the problem) You can assure her that she is not a failure for not doing certain things. WHich is another thing that converts feel. They feel like they can't do it right and no one around them is either, they don't understand, so why should they bother.

Obviously she feels drawn towards Islam. I cannot imagine that someone would convert just for the hell of it. SHe must have felt something?! So just gently guide her. Don't force her but increase her knowledge. Let her see the REAL, FORGIVING, SIMPLE(and I cannot stress this one enough) Islam. Inshallah she will come to learn and really start to practice it.

(this is so long that I willpost another thread with that conversation I found after this one. I think it will help other who are in your position to see what goes on in the mind of a convert and why they do what they do or slip away from it after reverting)


New Member
Originally Posted by kriket
George Bernard Shaw was the one to say 'the best religion in the hands of the worst people'
Muslims intrinsically are not bad as you put it. they have just lost the sense of responsibility that they have towards their religion.

Answer from a convert:

Aside from all the controversy this topic has caused (given the passionate replies) I will shed some light on my belief to the merit of the statement from a converts point of view.....keep in mind, it is only MY opinion.

Islam is very alluring for someone who has not been exposed to it previously. I must admit, when I first came to know...I could not believe, I COULD NOT IMAGINE..that all my doubts about Christianity, all my questions growing up were answered in this beautiful way of life called Islam.

As I learned more and more, I was in awe to say the least. I could not, beyond my wildest dreams, believe that there was this religion out there, with these people who ACTUALLY FOLLOW what it says in their book??!! (as you all are aware, the majority of Christians pick and choose what they will and will not follow in the Bible)

I could not believe that there were these people whose lives revolved around God, and not them fitting God into their life when it was convenient.

I was amazed and so happy.

Then soon after...the disappointment began. One after the other after the didn't stop and to this day...I am still being disappointed. This beautiful religion...the one true religion(I believe in my heart) is not filled with what I imagined, what I learned it should be. (meaning good followers)

I am constantly let down. I can tell you honestly, I pulled away from Islam because I could not see any difference between Islam and any of the other religions. The people were all the same to me. They didn't follow the Qur'an as they I read about and heard about. Where were the Muslims I learned about I thought to myself??

I thought, why should I make my life more difficult and fight so damn hard when every Muslim I meet is a half-ass Muslim(meaning...they pick and choose what they will and will not follow...just like anyone else) Why not make my life easier and stay a Christian...lost in this least this way I will not face any discrimination, any backlash from family, friends and society right? Why believe that something is so true and right when it's not the way it is being portrayed right?

Here I was trying so desperately to learn all that I could, to follow every single step..and when I got something wrong, I would cry. When I couldn't find the answer to something after asking every born Muslim and convert I knew, I cried. I felt like a failure and yet, here were all these Muslims walking around doing all these bad things and not caring whether it was wrong, or whether they could answer me a simple question, help guide me.

In my eyes, it is what is wrong with the Ummah today. People have strayed, they have turned the haram into halal, they don't even bother to learn more about Islam..if they were born Muslim..they just stand up and recite whatever they learned as a child and they know nothing more. You ask them and always their answer is..."just because that's the way it is"...well I am sorry. I want an answer. A valid answer.

I had so much respect and admiration for born Muslims in the beginning. I couldn't believe they were so lucky to be born Muslim.. here I was, fighting family and friends..trying to justify why I converted and these lucky people were born into it???!!!!

Do you not relaize this? Do you not see the impression you are giving a Muslim, for this Ummah?

Now I know to say that Muslims are bad is to can say that what I wrote here is a generalization..but just put yourself in my is all I know, it is what I see with my own eyes...if I am wrong, then SHOW ME!!! Be my example. Don't show me a half practicing Muslim. SHow me a true Muslim. Show me who they are and what they are. I want to see, I want to learn, I want to know...unfortunately...there are not many of you out there who can do this now can you? Can you honestly tell me you are a good example?

When you meet someone for the first time...what kind of impression do you leave them with? What will they walk away from you remembering? That they met a Muslim once who cursed? Who drank? Who had a boyfriend/girlfriend? That the Muslim they met was not at all the type they show on tv or read about in books...or the ones like the bearded man who never talks down the street, the lady who they can only see her eyes...the one they met was just like the average Joe in the sad is that?

How sad for the really PIOUS MUSLIMS who fight day in and day out against adversity..the really good ones who try to show the world the one true religion...and here we all are, on a thread...talking all about this and that(BS really) while they fight for our Ummah. How sad. How sad that someone's first impression of Islam would be this....

think about it...I am guilty for sure!

Sure there are good, pious Muslims...but I can tell you, they are few and far between.

Since my conversion...I have only met ONE! YEP...ONE MUSLIM WHO ACTUALLY FOLLOWS ISLAM...who actually incorporates the whole Islam in his life. A pious man who will not even so much as speak to me a word other than something concerning Islam. He will not so much as look at a woman passing...he does not participate in haram things...this was my first encounter with Islam..and I am sad to say he was the last. (he has taught me what he did and moved on. we do not keep a friendship or that folks, is a true good pious Muslim man that every woman would be so lucky to have as a husband, a son, a brother...what an example he is for the Ummah...just too bad there are not many of him here)

I know that Allah had us cross paths in the strangest way so that I can some to learn about Islam and find the true path...unfortunately, I have let my surroundings and all the other worldly things taint my picture of what a Muslim is. .... like the majority of Muslims, I make certain things ok now that are not. In the beginning. I was so hard on myself. I felt like a failure because I was not doing EXACTLY what I was supposed too. Because I was not following Islam to the, I see all the other Muslims doing it why can't I?

How sad is that? That I am such a weak person, that my faith(which had potential to be so strong) had fallen and now I am just a plain ole Muslim. Not a good one, just one that goes around making up excuses and hollering at other people "Muslims are the best"...yeah? Well, maybe if I were to show people that, then converts or any other person would have a better impression of Islam.

Perhaps if I were surrounded by good pious people, I would want to imitate their behaviour? Who knows? Is it someone else's job to make me be good? NO! No it is not...but being surrounded by not so good...definitely has an affect on a weak person such as myself.

Now if everyone were to admit..that they too are really weak as well, that they, like me, are contributing to the bad reputation that Islam is getting, then maybe...JUST MAYBE...people will open their eyes and change. Just maybe...there will be no more passing comments like..."Islam is good but Muslims are bad"

Just maybe the Ummah would become united and strong...just maybe being able to call yourself a Muslim will come with the utmost respect and feeling of honor that anyone would want to be one...
Too bad that now, being a Muslim is just like being any other ordinary person.

Only a person who strives to live according to Allah swt words....who strives day in and day out to follow in the footsteps of our beloved Prophet pbuh have the great honor to call themselves Muslim in my opinion.

I am aware that this will stir up many many responses and some might not be good. I understand and I am sorry you may feel that way...I am only being honest. I am only stating my own experience...what I LIVE THROUGH...MY WEAKNESS AND SHORTCOMINGS AND the weakness and shortcomings I have come in CONTACT WITH. That is all.

I pray that this message will send a lightening flash of anger and fear down at least ONE PERSONS spine so that they may that they may try harder to change the reputation of this Ummah by being a good example of a Muslim.

Insha'Allah I hope to be one someday soon...and Insha'Allah if I am...I will still write words such at this to remind everyone everyday of the wrong remind everyone everyday...that if they want the honor to call themselves Muslim, then do it right.

May Allah swt forgive me for passing judgement if I have, for offending if I have, and for my weakness....May Allah swt...make me strong! Enlighten me so that I may teach that I may leave a good impression of what a Muslim should be. Insha'Allah. Insha'Allah!!!!!!!!!


Salafi Dawah is the best

salaam all its been a while since I had time to drop in sadly my work commitments often get in the way of my life commitments, I am looking for some advice to help a sister that converted for all the wrong reasons and s now letting her faith slide she converted because a friend did also she didn't really pay any attention to the real islam as she followed her friend/sister but now she don't even pray at all I'm looking to try to guide her back to the path of islamand to get her to update her own knowledge of islam as she really appears to have lost her way can anyone help? she wears hijab but doesn't follow any other islamic way? i am trying to help inshallah by taking her to the mosque and advising she needs to pray 5 timesdaily but cannot force her to inshallah she must do it herself??? advice from all would be most welcome


That's the problem people convert because of people not because it's in their heart, and then they don't represent Islam how it should be. I 've seen this first hand and it's very disturbing, the thing is the person I knew never wanted to listen because "she had been Muslim longer than me and therefore knew more than me". This person too was wearing a headscarf, but not praying, saying racial slurs ect. INshAllah the girl you know has more sense but just be prepared if nothing comes of it.:wasalam:


Sister in Islam
Oh Jabba I am so sorry you had to meet with such arrogance as that!

My advice to the orginal poster would be to buy her books, just nice basic ones about Islam....I am not even a year reverted and find its nice to go step by step through the basics eg: the life of Mohammed (Peace be upon him) basic prayers (am attending a saturday class to learn correctly)

Maybe she is not praying cos she hasn't had any guidance or is unsure and maybe a few kind words from you (which i am sure you have given already!) will guide her back onto the straight path!

bintul islam

biz musulmanikh
our job is to convey, there's not much you can do, guidance is in Allah sw hand. Like some others already said, introduce her to useful websites, give her books, send her videos etc etc but most importantly, advice her and warn her. Allah sw shows His signs to every single person ("And We will show them our signs in the heavens and the earth and even within themselves.."), if this mate of yours is gonna blow her chance, then thats her loss but inshallah she will be a true believer, Mu'mina rather than a muslima.

Rana Sabir Ali

New Member
For Our Sister


salaam all its been a while since I had time to drop in sadly my work commitments often get in the way of my life commitments, I am looking for some advice to help a sister that converted for all the wrong reasons and s now letting her faith slide she converted because a friend did also she didn't really pay any attention to the real islam as she followed her friend/sister but now she don't even pray at all I'm looking to try to guide her back to the path of islamand to get her to update her own knowledge of islam as she really appears to have lost her way can anyone help? she wears hijab but doesn't follow any other islamic way? i am trying to help inshallah by taking her to the mosque and advising she needs to pray 5 timesdaily but cannot force her to inshallah she must do it herself??? advice from all would be most welcome


Assalmu Alikum
Dear brother first of all u teach her La Elaha Elallah.And than try to take her in any islamin centre for his spirtual training.Inshaallah she will become a solid faith muslin in a short spane of time
Rana Sabir Ali


Seeking allah
wasalaam brothers/sisters

so many opinions from so many of you so first of all many many thanks, i had the good fortune of taking my sister to the mosque to the new to islam circle in our local mosque there I was able to observe her prayer and with gentle voice we talked later on the way from the mosque, i find though she isn't practising Islam in full she is very confused, I am also a convert to Islam but I have good teachers and I am not too shy to question people on what I read, I have I pray inshallah managed to convince my sister in Islam to join me on a weekly session in the sisters group and a fortnightly session on the new to Islam group, I was fortunate enough to be able to make some small changes to my schedule at work and home to allow me to assist this sister, I myself have and can relate to everyone of the comments/advice given by all of you, being from a very strict christain back ground i find myself comparing both faith groups and questioning both faith groups my sister I have found out has no formal upbringing in any faith and therefore has no real comparision nor does she have any real family that will or would question her changes, I find myself asking myself why I changed and i surprise myself when I get an answer but i have had a lot of help from very very good muslims and some very conflicting advice from not so strong believers, I pray each day to grow stronger in my knowledge of Islam and as we both had the benifit of praying together at the mosque i was able to say to her that she had done really well after all she did convert for her own reasons even if by half she didn't know at the time.
I asked her that last evening and she told me she had not forgotten why she had converted but she was struggling as to what she needed to do and how to do what and where so we went to the shop on the grounds of the mosque and she bought herself some little things a book on the basics of Islam and a prayer mat, i gave her a dvd to watch on pray as you have seen me pray as per teachings of Prophet muhammad pbuh along with a compete guide to the glorious quran translated in english as well as recited in arabic i have arranged with her to join me in the week for small prayers in my home and we will discuss what we can and inshallah we will learn from each other as well as from you here in TTI also good Muslims all over the world ...I m not a perfect Muslim convert I too struggle so hard at times and I too have said as I read above why should i when they don't care ... (born muslims)but the answer I get is because allah knows best whats for me and for that reason alone I will learn and i will keep coming back to groups like this where my brothers and sisters are and seek help like I have done now alhamdulilah that I know my sister is also a member of this group .... so to you all at tti keep up the good work keep reminding yourselfs as well as us converts why Islam ???? because it is the most beautiful religion and the only religion in the world give each of yourselves a pat on the back and as I leave you now I thank you from thebottom of my heart may Allah be pleased with each of you and reward you for your help to a sister who was lost and in time she will return to Islam a stronger better person for knowing she has a family that stretches the length and bridth of the globe ...

Salaam Ameera