::Never Say Good Bye to a friend:: but i say good bye to Turn to Islam..Forum.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
asalaam aleykum

as to the following message:-

maududi tafsir
assalamu alaykum,

One of the mod team had removed the maududi tafsir, this is because the author is not known for accurate tafsir and mistakes in aqeedah.

We recommend classical tafsir from scholars such as Ibn Kathir.

Wasalamu alaykum

and my reply to it

Alhamdu Lilaah

Yours brother in Islam

This Tafseer and his books are the the only ones I gain that knowledge and wishes to share with others.
Whoever has benefited from it.....my mere goal is to relay and Our Allah He who knows the intentions and deeds.

I ask PLEASE do not REPLY or to cause any misunderstanding with Mods and whosoever; keep in mind the teachings and deeds.

I wish all the best TTI...and its members.

Fi amann Lllah.
6th December 2012



Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaikum warahmathullaahi wabarakaatuh,

Though, the thafsir is not most recommended, your posts did communicate and made us ponder. And Brother, maybe you should read from another thafsir too, in your spare time.

May Almighty bless you your famil and us too.... Ameen.
Jazakallaahu Khair