New Here Question abouts Wudhu


New Member
Hi all,

I am new to this site. I was raised catholic but I am very interested in learning about Islam. I have a few questions about Wudhu, hopefully someone can answer them.

1 - I have read there are 2 ways to obtain Wudhu, 1 says to wash (certain areas) once, the other is to wash 3 (certain areas) times. What is the correct way?

2 - If you have to ghusl (wash your entire body) to become absolute before prayers, does that mean you have to wash your entire body 3 times? Or is taking a bath or shower sufficient?

Thanks - May peace be upon all of you.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum

Asalam Alakum

Welcome to TTI, it is nice to have u join this lovely community.

Im really glad to hear that u want to learn more about Islam

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah.

If u have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask, we are all here a family.

Take Care,


Junior Member
Assalaam Alaikum (peace be upon you) tonieann,

Brother virtualeye has posted the answer to your question, so just wanted to welcome you to a very open, honest and helpful site for questions about Islam without the doctrine and misconceptions, so am sure you will find all the answers you seek here.

Feel free to ask any question and all brothers and sisters will do their best to help.

Take care & peace upon you too.