New Member 31-August 22 Ramadan


New Member
salam alikom all,

I'm a brother my name is Muhannad orginally from Jordan and currently live and work in Malaysia. i'm happy to see such websites which helps muslims and non muslims to know more about islam and what really islam is.
and elhamdollah it's one of the sites which helped me to show some on non muslim people islam and as a result. elhamdollah some of my friends reverted to islam.

Actually as my job required from me to travel around the world frequently, that allowed me to see other's culturs and how they think. im sad and happy in the same time cuz the globalization made us (muslims specially arabs) almost like non muslims in many aspects of life and in the same time many of them started to know real islam and revert to islam and become muslims and even muslims better than us (arab or who born as a muslims)

I really hope the muslims realize how great is our religoin and how non muslims are lost without having a right path to guide them through the life.

Allah knows that i'm interested to get married to a reverted girl who realise how valuable is islam and i want to help and support her inshallah.

Salam alikom

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Assalamu Alaikom ,
Welcome among your family
I hope you enjoy your stay
حياك الله معنا أخي الكريم و أتمنى لك طيب المقام