New Member


New Member

Hello Everyone. My name is April, I am a mother of three beautiful children, my husband is from Egypt (muslim), and I had converted about 5 years ago. We do not live in a large population of Muslim people and I have been teaching myself all I can via the internet and what time my dear husband can find in-between jobs. Our children are ages 12, 11 and 18 months. We are looking to move to a Muslim community to give our children more of an opportunity to learn Islam, without such a great non-Muslim influence. I look forward to learning and sharing with everyone, especially those dealing with similar circumstances.


Happy 2BA Muslim


Welcome Sister April to this wonderful site. You will certainly learn a lot here, as I did. People here are amazingly friendly and willing to do what they can to help. Please llet us know what we can do to help. I`m sure people who live in the same circumstances as you do will reply soon.

Noor to shine

Junior Member
:salam2: April:
AlhamduliAllah for your guidance to Islam ....I pray to Allah to keep faith firm in our hearts till we meet him Amen.:tti_sister:

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Assalam Alaykum

wellcome sister toTTI..enjoy ur stay..

may Allah blessed u n All ur family :ma:



Junior Member
:salam2: sister
Welcome to the site, Inshallah you will find it helpfull and interesting as I have.
May Allah (swt) guide you and your family and the whole Ummah Inshallah


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum


:tti_sister: :tti_sister: may Allah help you and your husband raise your children well into Islam and may Allah carve Islam in their hearts.


New Member
hello sister

hey sister
hello and welcome to turntoislam .
iam happy that u are a muslim.
may allah guied u through the right path.ameen