new muslim sisters and hijab - question


Junior Member
When a new convert to Islam has started wearing hijab and she wants to be kind to her mother and visit her often but she can't visit you how does a girl go to her house wearing hijab and trying to put it back on when she leaves the house. :hijabi:

Especially if her mother and family are very strict over her religion and do not approve of her wearing it even though she tried to get her family to like Islam and understand the benefits of hijab?

Do you have any suggestions brothers or sisters?


Junior Member
When a person embraces Islam,there are two possibilities : the parents may be happy or else not be. For that the revert needs not to bare pain. Must understand that Hidayat ( guidance ) is given by Allah.whom Allah loves and likes gives the gift of Islam.So needs to be honorable for that.

Secondly, There are many instructions and guidance in Islam to oppose the deeds against any of the part of Islam.With parents whether they aren't muslim needs to be polite and gentle,cause they are parents, although (unbeliever). But not to forget,never to obey them when it is the case against Islam. Islam has given full right to oppose them,when its matter against shariat . There are many aayats in Qur'an and hadiths ,regarding that. unable to quote as the topic would be very lengthy else.

One must say them that if they talk against hijab, I feel much pain.and as You wear your clothes according to your religion, Islam teaches me to wear Hijab,what's wrong ? and as I don't interfere your personal matters, I too don't like such interference. such incidents had been with the companions (sahaba radhiallah), but they had smelt the sweetness of islam,so none could change their path from islam.

So, finally needs to be courageous ,gentle,humble in matters but when it is the case of Islam,never to give up.cause we muslim know,what is truth and what is false. each one would cut,what he/she has sown. A muslim is an allrounder,cause Islam has taught how to live 24 hour life.

And pray for them that they too embrace islam. duas,lot concerned

try it, don't forget to ask matter to some mufti/qari/pious person.InshaAllah, things would be ok. What Allah laid in my mind i wrote.

Allah knows best.

Lillahil hamd.


Junior Member
thank you for your reply, very much appreciated. i just want to add that my family and my mother are very quite disobidient and have evil sayings of islam.

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Asallamu Alaikum,

Your brothers may be saying all this because they dont understand islam and if they know anything it is misinterpretation of Islam, so you should be patient. Try to ignore them and not enter into discussions, you will see after some time they will become calmer and calmer and they will try to know Islam from you.

You then discuss islam with them. Let them make enquiry with a reason to understand your religion- The only Truth.

As far as Hijab is concerned, you have worn it out of your faith in Allah and even if it may be disliked by your parents, but i believe when they will see you being so steadfast in your faith , they will accept it. It is important you being respectful to your parents as it is the saying of Quran. but when matters of Allah come , we have to follow Allahs guidance even if they are against the wishes of parents.

Inshallah Allah will help you.


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Wearing Hijab is an obligation, but a woman doesnt have to wear it everywhere all the time..
she can take it off in the house where there are no strangers.

*people who can see you without Hijab:
1. Men: Fathers, Brothers, Uncles ( brothers of the father and mother ), Grandfathers and Husbands and Fathers of Husbands.
2. Women: All women.


Sister you should go ahead with commitment But remember you have to take care of your parents in accordance with the law of islam. your problem will creat for a very few days. Insaa ALLAH YOU WILL OVER COME THIS PROBLEM VERY SOO.
Allah Hafez


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Wearing Hijab is an obligation, but a woman doesnt have to wear it everywhere all the time..
she can take it off in the house where there are no strangers.

*people who can see you without Hijab:
1. Men: Fathers, Brothers, Uncles ( brothers of the father and mother ), Grandfathers and Husbands and Fathers of Husbands.
2. Women: All women.
Baraka Allaah fik
that's a good answer ...:lol:



When a new convert to Islam has started wearing hijab and she wants to be kind to her mother and visit her often but she can't visit you how does a girl go to her house wearing hijab and trying to put it back on when she leaves the house. :hijabi:

Especially if her mother and family are very strict over her religion and do not approve of her wearing it even though she tried to get her family to like Islam and understand the benefits of hijab?

Do you have any suggestions brothers or sisters?


Who knows better her parents then her ? I think that every one can find way "out" .Allah s.w.t. says in holy Qur'an surah Al-Sharh ch. 94 verses 5-6 :

So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.

Of course, she have to be patient, kind as much as she can . It's hard for her but not harder then it was to sahabas r.a.. She also needs to thank to Allah for giving her difficulty, that way imaan is on higher level for those who believe Sobhan'Allah !

Luckley she is not tortured like many other sisters alhamdulillah. She just needs to think that there are more and more others who really suffer for the same matter.

May Allah s.w.t., make it easy for her and other who are facing the same problems. Ameen !


new sister
Asalamy Alaykum,
I know how you feel if you are refering to yourself. My parents disapprove of my hijab. My dad is hating the idea that Islam is my religion and ive found peace within it.

The best advice I can give is that i ave been give in you wear you hijab for allah and no one else. We wear it to be modest and follow the teachings we have been given. We honor our families by representing them with our names and personalities. But we honnor allah by praying, following rules and giving thanks for how lucky we are.

The only thing that will heal this is time and patience. Be careful around them with what you say. Stay modest and be yourself. Nothing can be better than embracing freedom and love within your family and your faith. alhamduilillah

take care


Junior Member
Dear Sister, I will PM you on the matter, I am so happy you have found the strength to commit to wearing hijab early into becoming Muslim. It took me a long time, I was so worried about family's reaction. It is hurtful when some family members do not respect our beliefs but we must be strong and patient for Allah :)


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Wearing Hijab is an obligation, but a woman doesnt have to wear it everywhere all the time..
she can take it off in the house where there are no strangers.

*people who can see you without Hijab:
1. Men: Fathers, Brothers, Uncles ( brothers of the father and mother ), Grandfathers and Husbands and Fathers of Husbands.
2. Women: All women.

As Salamu Alekum

Excuse me brother, but she can't be seen without hijab to her unbeliever male relatives (even her own father and brothers). Kindly re-check this! Regarding unbeliever women, a muslim woman can show only her hair, forarms, legs (plus face and neck of course) but nothing more if there's no reason. Somebody may affirm this please.

Wassalamu Alekum


Trying 2 plz ALLAH
When a new convert to Islam has started wearing hijab and she wants to be kind to her mother and visit her often but she can't visit you how does a girl go to her house wearing hijab and trying to put it back on when she leaves the house. :hijabi:

Especially if her mother and family are very strict over her religion and do not approve of her wearing it even though she tried to get her family to like Islam and understand the benefits of hijab?

Do you have any suggestions brothers or sisters?
As Salaamu Alaikum, Sister i feel ur pain pain, my parents seemed 2 b happier w/ my state of jahilyah than a person trying 2 devote his life 2 our creator. the only advice i can offer is open dialouge 2 get them 2 c that u r a believer n the true essence of the word and not the paulinian doctrane they have come 2 worship, i did not go 2 my parents house 4 over 6mos. until they realised that i was serious about Islam, only then did they c the importance of faith over kinship. May ALLAH make it easy 4 u