New one!


New Member
Salaam Alaykoum!

I'm Sanaa from Belgium. I'm 17 years old, and I want to learn more of the Islam!! Maybe, you can see that I can't speak very good English:shymuslima1:

Wa Alaykoum Salaam

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Asalaamu Alaykum

Welcome sister sanaa to tti :)

Hope you enjoy your time here and benefit loads...



Junior Member
Assalamu alikum :),
Welcome sister sanaa...hope you enjoy this website as much as all of us...your english is fine (better than most probably, lol)


Junior Member
welcome sis :))))

:salam2: sis
:SMILY206::SMILY206: to TTI
Do enjoy ur stay here,, hope u will benefit fm all the islamic videos/articles n increases in ur eeman :inshallah: n who knows ur English too eh ;):)
but pls dont forget to learn arabic the language of the Noble Book of Allah SWT alquran alkarim which u cud find here too eh
:wasalam: :hijabi:


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum Wa Rahmet Allah Wa Barakatu

welcome sanaa its very nice to have you join Turn To Islam.
I hope you can benifit from the site Insha Allah.