New Revert in Washington state


Assalamu Alaykum everyone,

I am so happy to now start connecting with my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. I took my Shahadah September 24, 2012. My life has been full of new things and awesome ever since. I hope that in this ummah I can learn more about Islam and have support when needed. Thank you for reading my post.

Do you have any advice for me?

P.S. All advice and inputs are welcomed!!!!

- Muslimah K


A Servant of Allah
Welcome to Islam and this forum,Sister. Insya Allah we will try to help you understand Islam better. If you have any needs or questions,please don't hesitate to ask :)
I suggest you to learn how to perform your daily prayers 5 times a day. After that,you can proceed with learning to recite verses of Al-Quran in Arabic. Don't forget to pay your zakat. And fast when Ramadhan comes. Also perform hajj after your knowledge of Islam has been complete and you have the expense also healthy enough to do that. Those are 5 pillars of Islam. But don't be in rush. Take it easy,learn them one by one at a time. You can learn how to perform daily prayers and recite Al-Quran in local mosque. For the time being,you can read translation of Al-Quran in English first. To strenghten your new faith,you can read about prophet's stories and hadiths (for the first time,read hadiths from Bukhari, Muslim, and Tirmidzi)
That's all. If you need to discuss Islam privately or just want to share about anything,you can PM me. I can share with you my little knowledge about Islam if you want ;)
May Allah bless you :)


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaykum everyone,

I am so happy to now start connecting with my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. I took my Shahadah September 24, 2012. My life has been full of new things and awesome ever since. I hope that in this ummah I can learn more about Islam and have support when needed. Thank you for reading my post.

Do you have any advice for me?

P.S. All advice and inputs are welcomed!!!!

- Muslimah K

Walaikum Salaam,

Welcome. May you be guided. Be good and do good.


Used to be active here!
wa alaykkum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Alhamdulillah. I'm happy for you. may Allah keep you steadfast on Islaam.


Welcome back to islam my sister.

Assalamu Alaykum everyone,

I am so happy to now start connecting with my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. I took my Shahadah September 24, 2012. My life has been full of new things and awesome ever since. I hope that in this ummah I can learn more about Islam and have support when needed. Thank you for reading my post.

Do you have any advice for me?

P.S. All advice and inputs are welcomed!!!!

- Muslimah K

to all,

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Hi sister
Welcome back to islam
welcome to tti
we are so happy
and glad that you are with us~Alhamdulillah!

stick around .:muslim_child:
until then,
take care.




Brother in Deen
Assalamu Alaykum everyone,

I am so happy to now start connecting with my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. I took my Shahadah September 24, 2012. My life has been full of new things and awesome ever since. I hope that in this ummah I can learn more about Islam and have support when needed. Thank you for reading my post.

Do you have any advice for me?

P.S. All advice and inputs are welcomed!!!!

- Muslimah K

wa alaykum salam

alhamdulilah, that you are muslimah, may Allah give you strenght to be firm in islam

my advice to concetrate in doing the prayer, its from the most importen things in islam, and from the most beatifull things in islam, its talking to Allah directly

welcome to the forum


thank you

Welcome to Islam and this forum,Sister. Insya Allah we will try to help you understand Islam better. If you have any needs or questions,please don't hesitate to ask :)
I suggest you to learn how to perform your daily prayers 5 times a day. After that,you can proceed with learning to recite verses of Al-Quran in Arabic. Don't forget to pay your zakat. And fast when Ramadhan comes. Also perform hajj after your knowledge of Islam has been complete and you have the expense also healthy enough to do that. Those are 5 pillars of Islam. But don't be in rush. Take it easy,learn them one by one at a time. You can learn how to perform daily prayers and recite Al-Quran in local mosque. For the time being,you can read translation of Al-Quran in English first. To strenghten your new faith,you can read about prophet's stories and hadiths (for the first time,read hadiths from Bukhari, Muslim, and Tirmidzi)
That's all. If you need to discuss Islam privately or just want to share about anything,you can PM me. I can share with you my little knowledge about Islam if you want ;)
May Allah bless you :)

Thank you for all your advice. I have been researching religions for awhile now and I was called to Islam. I have been learning the prayers from cartoon4muslimkids on youtube, it has been helpful. Is there a website for the hadiths from Bukhari?


A Servant of Allah
Thank you for all your advice. I have been researching religions for awhile now and I was called to Islam. I have been learning the prayers from cartoon4muslimkids on youtube, it has been helpful. Is there a website for the hadiths from Bukhari?

Here it is,Sister :

I think it is complete enough. If there is anything you need to know more about Islam,just ask,okay?We will be happy to help you :)