New sister


Junior Member
Salam alaykoum sisters and brothers,

How are you ? I hope all is well inshaAllah and you are doing well and everything is okay :hearts:

I am living in Toronto. Who are from Toronto or Canada ?

I hope to meet this group through interactive debate and discussion.

Best wishes:hearts:

Sister Amelle :girl3:


Ahmad M. Al-Marshoud
welcome to TTI sister I am not from Toronto but I just want to welcome you to this great site , I hope that you like it insha`Allah


Junior Member
I used to live in Waterloo,Canada
And In-Sha-Allah I'm going there this summer.
But when you mean debate you mean face to face?


Your Sister In Islam
Salam sister Amelle,
nice to have you here with us on tti. welcome btw.



Junior Member

Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Welcome to TTI sister Amelle. We are happy to have you with us.

May Allaah make your stay here a beneficial stay, aameen.

Hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Take care.

was-salaamu alaykum



Subhana Allah!
asalamu alaykum

in the name of Allah the most merciful the most compasionate

asalamu alaykum warah matu lahi wa barakatuh
:SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206:to tti sister i`m not form tronto but i like welcoming. enjoy ur stay here sister. it is a great website. masha Allah.:hijabi: