New to Islam


New Member
Hi my name is Sarah and I converted to Islam in March this year. I married a Palestinian brother and we are having our first baby at the end of December. I am in Australia and we are waiting for my husband's visa so he can come here too. Is anyone else in a similar situation/new?


Penguin fancier
Well, since no one else seems to want to say it

As salaamu alakum wa ramat'Ullah wa bakrakhatu and welcome to our little corner of the web

And congrats on the baby front.


Tamed Brother
AssalaamuAlaikum WRWB,

Welcome sister,

Very happy to know you are a revert to Islam. Please take your time to watch the videos on this site, so that you can see other reverts like you, :)




Where do I start:
1. Welcome to your family.
2. There are many sisters who are reverts who will give you guidance and friendship.
3. There is a wonderful brother here who is Australian..Brother Wulf. I am sure he will be of is in his nature
4.You will find sincere brothers and sisters who will be there for you. It is that simple.
5. I am the older one here, I am a little eccentric, I call myself the "aapa" ( older sister)..should you need anything just contact me..I rant and rave but it is with a clean heart.
6. Please get pleanty of rest and sleep..after the little one arrives it takes you about eight years before you get a good night's rest.
7. Write to us constantly..we are so excited...a little Muslim will be running around down under..Alhumdulilah!